sexuality health

Saturday 29 August 2009

Acai Berry Weight Loss Pills Are Simply the Best! Learn Why They Surpass All Other Diet Pills

Acai berry weight loss pills have gained a fantastic reputation and are now called a Superfood that has incredible health and medical benefits. However more importantly, if you want to lose weight safely and effectively, acai eclipses every other diet pill on the market today.

Most diet pills are full of hazardous toxins that cause long and short term bodily harm and make the body suffer and struggle to lose weight. So not only will you put your body through an unhealthy strain to lose weight, but you run the risk of severely damaging it and expose it to disease and long term medical problems. You do not want to do this to your body when you want to shed some pounds, you want to strengthen your body and lose weight safely.

This is where acai berry weight loss pills shine and shine extremely bright. Acai will repair and strengthen your body as you burn fat and drop weight safely and effectively. In addition you will not be ingesting harmful toxins or have a product that is full of stimulants such as ephedra or caffeine that will disrupt your sleep pattern and leave you hyper, wired, and causing anxiety. Acai promotes sleep and fills you with energy (more of a mild lift) without leaving you feeling anxious and hyper.

Also, If you combine acai with a sensible diet and exercise, you will have a synergistic effect that will put your fat burning in overdrive and you will lose a great deal of weight while getting in good shape doing it. This is by far the healthiest and safest way to lose weight and is the path you want to follow instead of taking diet pills and getting sick in the process.


Friday 28 August 2009

Colon Cleansing Weight Loss - What You Need to Know Before You Start Cleansing Your Colon!

Colon cleansing weight loss can be a great way to flush out those excess pounds and remove those nasty toxins, parasites and bad bacteria that can be stored for months or even years in the large intestine. All that accumulated waste can make you feel lethargic, bloated, constipated, run down or just generally unwell.

Cleansing your colon is extremely helpful in relieving your digestive system. When you use such a treatment, you should feel better, lighter and healthier. You will see a significant increase in your energy level, and your stomach measurement is reduced. That's why it's such a great way to lose weight. In fact, a good cleansing will flush anywhere from two to ten pounds of waste from your system and you will see the results right away. This is actually a good motivation for shedding those pounds.

Scores of products are available on the internet and over the counter for colon cleansing weight loss but how do you choose the right one?

Be sure to look for supplements that will provide a deep treatment. The best time to do this is when you are at home because you will be visiting the bathroom more often than you think.

A colon cleansing weight loss treatment should improve your overall health. This can be partnered with a healthy diet and exercise program to get optimum results.

But, before you start with your colon cleanse weight loss program, make sure you're using supplements that are safe, effective, natural and gentle.

health for you now

FatLoss4Idiots Diet Review

Welcome to this article and your journey to a better you. This is the FatLoss4Idiots diet review for you to read over and make an informed decision on your future. We wanted to expose this diet to you for what it is, a scam, or a a diet that will trick your body into burning more calories than any other diet.

How does it work? Basically, we all know that we evolve and adapt as humans. Go and walk up a stadium, its going to be hard. Now go and walk up that stadium once every day for a year. Now its going to be super easy. This is how the body adapts and the same goes for dieting. I can guess how your diets have gone in the past without having any psychic skills. You started a diet, lost weight, and then gradually came to a stand still. Why you ask?? Your body adapted to the diet!!! This is why I am giving you a FatLoss4Idiots diet review.

This is why I believe fatloss4idiots is the most popular diet in the world. It keeps on working, it doesn't allow your body to adapt! By switching what you eat and when you eat it your body is constantly tricked into trying to adapt and burn off these "alien calories." This is the concept behind the secret and that is why so many people want to know about and read about the diet review. Your body can't adapt and that is why you continuously lose weight! Its so simple.


Here's How to Get Sexy Female Abs

Today I want to show you some simple ways to get sexy female abs.  I'm not going to tell you to do 1000 situps a day and run 12 laps around the track, either.

I'd rather share some lesser-known strategies that work great at flattening and toning your stomach.

Here's How To Get Sexy Female Abs

The Vacuum Pose (Isometric Tension)

All you need to do for this exercise is suck in your gut as much as you can and hold it for a count of 3.  Then let the tension out.  And repeat the cycle.   Keep doing this for 5 minutes straight.

Now try this.  Tighten your stomach as much as you possibly can.  Then hold that position for up to 5 seconds.  Rest for 5 seconds and repeat.  Do this exercise for at least 5 minutes every day, too.

So, that's 10 minutes total out of your day.  That shouldn't be a problem, right?

Hula Hoop

For this exercise, you need a weighted hula hoop.  All I need you to do is twirl a hula hoop for 10 minutes every day.  You may surprised how well this works your for toning your stomach.  It's perfect for shaping a woman's feminine curves.

Snack On Low Calorie Yogurts and Apples

Apples are great for fiber and yogurts are an excellent protein source.  If you commit to eating these 2 foods as snacks, you'll get rid of your junk food cravings and never feel hungry between meals.

So, if you are looking to get sexy female abs, those tips are a great place for you to start. All you need to do now is get started.

health for you now

The Craze - Explain It!

We often follow the crowd or "accepted" behavior. Call it nonsensical, because sometimes that is exactly what it is. There is a craze about everything "diet." There a craze for energy drinks. There is a craze about being as-thin-as-a-stick. There is a craze about tattooing one's body, there is another craze about body piercing, another about fake hair, about medication, about electronics and so on. Someone once said, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Is it really? People use it as justification for acceptance of others' behavior. We are afraid to admit that some things are just plain ugly, no matter who's looking at it. Because we are afraid to offend someone, we have become dishonest. Sometimes, we won't even admit it to ourselves. We even go as far as paying compliments to people that have strange looking things. In today's world, fads are no longer "just fads," they are now a way of life or some sort of permanent fixtures.

Throughout generations, teenagers have always tried to differentiate themselves from their parents. It is a form of identity crisis and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, it takes years of living before you truly know yourself. Our parents might have called it rebellion at the time, but it is nothing compared to what is happening today. What makes it even more controversial is that some parents are not just accepting this behavior as normal, but they are also imitating their teenagers. Some people wear scanty clothes, really the bare minimum. Some other people wear clothes that are so tight-fitting that even breathing must hurt, and some wear their clothes so big that they need to hold on to them to keep them on. Where did common sense go? Maybe we just don't get it! Maybe it's simply a world gone mad!

In previous eras of major changes, gradual progression and a modicum of resistance allowed us to adjust. So, we made small alterations to our thinking, and infiltrated these changes into our lives, over a period of time. But when these changes occur all at once, and in every aspect of life, it is hard enough to fathom the reasoning behind them, much less adequately adjust to them. What we have as a result is chaos! I sometimes shudder to think about what else people will come up with. What values will the next generation inherit? Today there is no unified code of conduct or proper behavior; it is simply "whatever!"

What can we do? Not much! How do we make sure our past history or culture is remembered? Maybe in the not-so-distant future, people won't care about their history or any of the things that we now hold dear. The evolution to a more electronically geared society will eliminate social interactions; therefore, it will be easier for individuals to forget others and focus on computerized machines. Future generations, I think, will find a way to make "freaky" the norm. You can't help but to wonder how far it will go. Is the constant fear of lawsuits ruling the day? Or is it the fear of standing out and being outside the crowd? Weirdness has gone rampant. Under the guise of "freedom of expression" our values have gone out the door. Vanished!


Losing Weight Is Simply Hard to Do

According to some estimates, around two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. When you stop and think about it, that's really astonishing. While those that peddle weight-loss plans and diet pills are probably giddy by the collective unhealthiness of America, having a society so overweight puts a huge stress on the healthcare system. Even doctors and nurses, who know how bad it is to be overweight can be found in plus size scrubs because they carry around an extra thirty or forty pounds. With so many people so overweight, there are a good deal of people looking for a way to turn things around and get themselves fit.

Fortunately, losing weight is very simple. Unfortunately, simply losing weight is very hard! That may not make sense, but it does if you think about it this way. For most of us, gaining weight is like basic accounting. If you look at what you take in calorie-wise and what you burn calorie-wise, you can tell if you'll gain weight or lose weight over the long term. If you're taking in less calories than you're burning, you're going to lose weight. If you're taking in more calories than you're burning, you're going to gain weight (and might need to see the folks in print scrub jackets more, since you might be making more doctor visits). Sure, there are some variables and exceptions to consider, but the basics are pretty simple. The unfortunate part is it's really hard for many people to make the lifestyle changes necessary to either limit their calorie intake or increase the amount of calories they burn.

For some, their life is packed with so many activities, things to do, hours of work, and snippets of relaxation that the last thing they want to do is work out or plan and cook a healthy meal. And while some people are constantly looking for that next easy diet to solve all their problems, for the most part a healthy diet and exercise will get you on the right track so you might not have to have the nurses in print scrub tops administering a stress test on you or checking you for high cholesterol. There are resources everywhere about how to build healthy habits into your life, and there are any number of health clubs, exercise DVDs, and workout books that can give you the knowledge and motivation you might need. It all boils down to how much you really want to lose those extra pounds, since you're the only one that can stop you!


Whey Protein Benefits and How it Affects Fat Burning

For centuries people have been using whey proteins for their beneficial health properties. Whey is derived from milk and is the by product of cheese production.

Today it has found its place in nutrition as it offers optimal health and enables good fat burning. The modern high fat, high calorie food intake that is low in nutrients is one of the major causes of obesity. Whey protein provides the opposite. It is a low fat, low calorie and low carbohydrate food that is placed low on the glycemic index (GI) Scale. Replacing high fat and high calorie meals with this protein will melt the fat away because the body has to work hard to process protein. Any fast fat burning diet has to include whey protein.

Why should we eat whey protein?
When we are looking for fast fat burning foods it is important that we find the elements that will work best for us. We need to control what we eat and what we drink and water is a good way to process waste that is caused by the conversion of fat into energy. Increasing protein is important too as it helps build lean muscles which in turn burn more calories and accelerate the fat burning process. Our body uses protein as its building block and uses it to create lean muscle. One of the best proteins that can be taken is from whey as it provides the most protein without the carbohydrates or fats. This means your body can use it more efficiently in your quest to burn fat.

This protein is a highly safe supplement and supplies about 19 grams of protein per serving. When used in conjunction with a good exercise regime whey protein will build lean muscle. It usually takes large amounts of calories to build and maintain lean muscle. In order to gain lean muscles and burn fat relies on an adequate supply of protein. Our bodies rarely convert protein into fat so this protein will not interfere with fat burning.

Whey protein is a dairy product so it is easy to digest and is safe for people of all ages. It is important to drink water when taking whey protein as this will enable you to deal with the waste created by fat burning. Waste is stored in our livers and may even go into the blood stream and then into the lungs if not flushed out.

Facts about whey protein
It comes from cow's milk which contains 80% casein and 20% whey. While casein is a protein, whey is considered the cr? de la cr? in protein standards and has been scientifically proven as being the most nutritious form of protein supplement available.

Whey is today considered a co-product of cheese making and is the most pure form of protein to be found. It contains no fat or lactose and has all the essential amino acids we need. It is also a source of "naturally occurring branched chain amino acids".

Whey protein promotes weight loss by first helping us feel full, but more importantly by helping the body burn fat. It is nutritionally complete and is easily absorbed into the body. It contains bioactive ingredients such as lactoferrin which helps boost our immune systems. This protein is also known for its abilities to help athletes repair and rebuild muscles after an intense workout.

Whey protein is neutral to the taste, so it won't alter the foods it is added to. It won't produce hormonal affects as it contains no isoflavones. All these factors make it one of the best fat burning foods and a great way to burn fat calories.

Whey protein in women
In order to burn fat more effectively and more efficiently it is necessary to change our lifestyles to include a healthy diet coupled with exercise. This protein has the ability to supplement a diet at the same time as aiding in weight management by helping control metabolism. An active metabolism helps burn fat.

Whey protein is easy to digest and as a supplement to exercise burns fat naturally by burning calories. It also aids in muscle mass and lean tissue without the risk of bulking up as women lack the hormones that create bulky muscles. A woman will instead start getting overall toning and belly fat will start disappearing.

As women grow older they lose muscle. This protein helps turn calories into muscles while burning fat.


Best Weight Loss Diet of 2009 - See Which Diet is Causing Thousands to Drop Pounds Lightning Fast!

Have you been searching all over the best weight loss diet, but you always seem to never find the "perfect" one? Well, take just a quick 70 seconds out of your busy day to read this article here and discover the best diet of 2009 to lose weight fast, easy, consistently, and PERMANENTLY!

Okay, first things first. If you want to lose pounds extremely fast, you have to stay natural with whatever you do. Therefore, please avoid those FAD DIETS (low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc.) you see all over the place! Those unnatural diets will slow down your metabolism, which just so happens to be what causes the "up-and-down weight loss effect'!

Now, I've come across a diet after close to 3 years of researching online plans called the calorie shifting diet. The diet claims you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days, which of course raised my suspicion levels. But after careful review and trying out this plan, this is what I discovered:

1. This plan is based on the two biggest rules to lose weight quickly: Get PROPER nutrition and SKYROCKET your metabolism!

2. One thing I really liked was this cool diet generator software program you receive with this diet. This generator will create a custom menu plan of 4 meals you'll eat each day. You also actually get to choose YOUR FAVORITE foods you want to go into your menu plan.

The one thing I didn't like with this diet plan is the fact that on one of the days during the diet, you will have to eat nothing but fruit all day long! Although it took some getting used to, this is one of the most important days on the diet because it will really help increase your metabolism to the max.

So, if you are looking for the best weight loss diet to drop pounds of fat fast, then I highly recommend you look into and tryout the calorie shifting diet today.


How Meal Replacement Shakes Can Speed Up Your Weight Loss Safely

It is interesting to note some thirty years ago, 'meal replacement' was a term the scientific community gave to diets they rejected as fads. In the mid 70's, liquid diets of all kinds were being used, some safe and some unsafe. However, 30 plus years down the track with much research, development and testing meal replacements have advanced a long way with the aide of the scientific community.

It is important to understand that meal replacement food technology is now used, not only for dieters but has also become a vital factor in hospitals for some patients. The reason these meals have advanced so positively now is 'science' of food technology.  Many more nutrients such as protein, good carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients can be added to a meal replacement. This enables the user to consume far more nutrition in one meal than they could possibly eat in normal foods. For example in one replacement shake known, one serving of a  replacement meal is equal in nutrients to approximately 1300 calories of normal food from the proper food chain. At the same time the  replacement serving is only 100 calories. It is then plain to see the popularity of a good quality meal replacement for losing weight without compromising health.

To give more credit to the benefit of  replacements meals and assurance of their benefit and safety to weight loss we need to look at their usage in a much more vital way. I mention they are used in hospitals for some patients. This is perhaps where science really began to see the benefit of advancing this technology and certainly it has been a tremendous advantage for certain patients. We now see many patients in hospitals for various reasons comatose for weeks and months. How were these patients to live with out food? The answer quite simply comes from intravenous fed replacement type nutrition. Hence, not only are the patients fed while comatose, but fed well.

The understanding of nutrition and what the body needs has come a long way. Muscle mass and the prevention of losing it is not only vital to dieters but also to bed ridden patients. This is where the necessity for protein in the human diet has been realized to be of great importance and as a result, it is greatly used in replacement shake products both for diet products and patients in hospitals. Realizing this, companies now put great resources into finding and including the best grade of protein in their products.

Another argument that comes up with meal replacement dieting is the cause to actually eat less natural food, therefore compromising the metabolism. It is important to note as this argument comes up, to remember the body is actually fed with important nutrients and perhaps more with these meals than normal food. Add to this, less energy used by the body to digest bulk food, there is actually a lot of energy preserved, therefore alleviating the tiredness a person feels when the body works over time in the digestion process. After a nutritious liquid shake replacement you do not feel this tiredness therefore people are more likely to feel energetic and likely to be more active. This preserved energy leads to an individual being more motivated to exercise and increase metabolism further.

Many individuals may ask, how do I know which meal replacement is the best as there are so many in the market place? The answer to this question is simple in the process of elimination. Choice Magazine did an article some months ago on these replacement products. It was interesting to note in this article that not all products can be labeled 'meal replacement'.  In some countries there are health department labeling regulations. These laws have a requirement of a certain amount of nutritional ingredients to be included in a product in order for a company to call a product a 'Meal Replacement'. This then makes it easy for us to recognize whether a product is in fact a healthy choice, giving us enough nutrients. Make sure you look on the cans and sachets of what may look like a meal replacement, that it is clearly labeled as such.

In conclusion meal replacements are not only for dieters. We now live in a world where nutritionally related diseases and deaths are over-taking smoking related health issues, hence we realize the importance of these meals may be to every body's well being.  As our food, to meet population demand continues to be picked pre-ripened, our soil gets depleted of nutrients through over use. Our animals fed hormones for faster growth. More foods being genetically modified and processed we need to realize we are getting less and less nutrition in our food. We all remember what our fruits and vegetables tasted like some twenty years ago and how different they taste today. Why do you think this is? A good question to ask, could it be because of the above mentioned reasons? We all, may well be needing to supplement our daily diets right now, with off course, an excellent quality  replacement shake.

health for you now

Achieving Optimum Fitness and Optimum Health

We have all seen the "miracle" exercise programs that deceptively promise customers Hercules like results in just minutes a day. And in the world of food and supplement marketing we get just as many empty promises for "miricale" fat loss pills, supplements or foods (ex: hydroxycut, acai berry).

No matter how much we wish it were true, there just isn't a magical food that will melt unwanted fat off our stomachs. But, the quality of your overall diet is essential to achieving optimum health along with weight loss. And, believe it or not diet will make or break your fitness ability.

So, the question becomes. "What can we do to support fat loss and improve overall fitness?"

1.) Cut out starches and sugars. This will have a drastic effect on the amount of calories you consume often lowering tem by a third. Nearly every piece of research done shows that eating habits are the number one determinant of weight loss. In other words, these studies show that physical exercise only results in fat weight loss when calories are not reduced.

As we have already said in other articles when you need to limiting your calorie intake, we recommend that the calories you focus on reducing are the starches and sugars. When researchers look at diets that are higher in fat, protein and lower in carbs in comparison to the lower fat higher carb counterparts the higher fat & protein, and lower carb diets not only result in more fat loss, but also in reduced risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

It has also been show that limiting your intake of sugars is critically to your health. These studies show that higher glycemic index foods (starches/sweets) lead to increased appetite and calorie intake, and may even end up lowering metabolic rate.

One interesting finding in this research is that fructose, a sugar derived fruit juice, is correlated to increased appetite and excess weight gain. These studies have shown that optimum fat loss, and hormonal optimization are achieved with only about 25-35% of your calories from carbohydrates. So if you consume 2000 calories only 500-700 calories from carbohydrates which is between 125-175 grams.

2.) Consume enough potassium. Most people don't know this but potassium actually preserves muscle, which is essential as our Life Hormone levels start declining as we age. A recent study discovered that when people consumed 3,54- mg of potassium on a daily basis they were able to preserve more than 4 pounds of lean muscle throughout a 3 year period when compared to subjects who consumed half the amount of potassium. This is more than enough to offset the age related muscle decline we see diagnosed as sarcopenia. The extra potassium also helps us maintain the muscle we try to build during our workouts.

The best sources of potassium are fruits and vegetables. One half cup of green beans contains around 500 mg potassium. 1 cup fruits and vegetables will average between 400-500 mg. So, to get your intake up to adequate levels make sure you consume 5 cups of vegetables, 1 cup of fruit, and ½ cup of beans.

3.) Consume adequate levels of protein. This will help provide your body with the amino acids that are necessary to repair and maintain cells, especially muscle. Intense exercise, especially strength training produces micro-tears in muscle fibers, and the more training you do, the more amino acids (aka protein) your body needs to build and recover.

Even if you don't work out intensely, you should still consume plenty of protein, and that is hunger control. Research shows that diets higher in protein content increase satiety, thus decreasing calorie intake, and boosting fat loss than a lower protein diet. We recommend consuming around 30% of your calories from protein. To achieve this, just focus on eating whole natural food especially meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, and a copious amount of vegetables.

It is important to take note that it isn't nearly as much about the amount of food you eat, but the quality of the food you are eating. The wrong foods can have devastating effects on your fat loss goals, muscle retention, and overall fitness level.

Remember, Aging is Inevitable, but Looking and feeling old is Optional


Metabolism - What You Should Know

My metabolism is slow. How often have I heard that? Too many times to remember. It seems that the metabolism has become a convenient scapegoat to blame for our weight loss struggles. Is metabolism really to blame? And if it is, is there something that you can do about it? The sad truth is that the metabolism is more of an innocent bystander than anything else. But the good news is that a bit of knowledge may just help to put you in the driver seat and make the metabolism work for you and not against you.

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the chemical reactions, through a complex network of enzymes and hormones, which convert the fuel from food into energy and also affect how efficiently that energy can be used. This process requires energy or calories and that is why most think of metabolism as the resting metabolic rate (RMR). It is an indication of how many calories are being used to sustain normal body functions and also how quickly we gain or lose weight. Not everybody burns calories at the same rate and a few factors have an influence. Genes and heredity does make a difference, as does age and sex. Metabolism will slow down over time, most notably after the age of 40. Men also burn more calories than women.

Metabolism is directly proportional to the muscles, bones, and water in the body. To put it differently, metabolism is a function of your fat free body weight. Two individuals with the exact same weight will probably have very similar metabolisms under normal conditions. Since there is not much that any of us can do about the bones we've been given, then the only factor that we can use to our advantage is to increase the muscle mass. But before I jump to a conclusion, let me first explain the relationship between metabolism, weight gain, and weight loss.

Gaining Weight Increases Metabolism

Great news! Now I don't have to go on a diet, but rather increase my weight. In the battle for weight loss, metabolism is just one of the players. Yes, at an equal weight, a faster metabolism will help shed fat, but gaining weight to increase metabolism is not the right answer. Although not all experts would agree, it is generally agreed that one pound of muscle will consume 35 calories per day and one pound of fat will consume 2 calories per day. Unfortunately, when we gain weight about three quarters of that weight gain is fat and only one quarter is fat free. The metabolism has to increase to provide energy for all these new cells, but the increase in metabolism will never compensate completely for the increase in weight.

And by now it is easy to guess the bad news. As you lose weight, so your metabolism slows down. The body is accustomed to providing energy at a specific weight that was maintained for a sustained period of time. It will have to work harder to provide energy for more cells and it will have to work less to provide energy for fewer cells. That is one of the reasons why it is so easy to lose weight after recent gains.

The metabolism is faster and the combination of some exercise and dietary restraint will quickly result in significant weight loss. On the other hand, if you've been stationary at an overweight or obese weight, then the body will start to slow down the metabolism as more weight is lost. In fact, most experts agree that the first ten percent of body weight can be lost without much effort. Losing more than ten percent of weight will become increasingly difficult as you try to maintain weight loss with an ever slowing metabolism.

It is almost as if the metabolism wants to return to the last known state of equilibrium. If weight is increased significantly, then the metabolism will increase to compensate and try to get back to the known weight. If significant weight is lost, then the metabolism will decrease. And that is why the yo-yo diet phenomena is so prevalent. By the time we've reached our goal, our metabolism has also slowed down significantly, making it much easier to gain back most of the weight that we've lost. It is widely accepted that two people at the same weight will have roughly the same metabolic rate, but someone that has reached that through dieting will have a slower metabolism than a person that has been at that weight all the time. So what can be done to help?

Revving Your Metabolism

As I've mentioned, at an equal weight, the fat-free weight will determine metabolic rate. Exercise is one of the few things that we can actually do to turn the equation in our own advantage. Any form of exercise will help. Cardio exercises will not grow muscles to the extent that weight training will, but even that will over time increase muscle mass. Don't blindly focus on the calories burned during exercise; the real benefit comes from the calories that are burned the rest of the day. Cardio exercise is not a bad place to start. It will burn more calories than weight training and will lead to additional muscle.

But weight training will have a much more profound impact on the overall body composition. Maximizing the benefits of a faster metabolism will require a higher percentage of muscle. I know that many women fear that they will become bulky and muscular. Women don't naturally have the necessary hormones to build huge muscles. Even many guys with the correct hormones struggle to gain muscle easily. If you want to keep the weight loss permanent, then the best solution is to combine weight loss with muscle increase.

Eating Yourself Thin

If only it was that simple. The good news is that it is not far from the truth. It takes energy to digest food and keeping the metabolism active will certainly help to keep the weight off. There are two very important factors, though.

Keep the total calories constant. Increase the number of meals. Combining these two factors will have the best overall impact on your weight loss program. The best approach for weight loss is to slowly reduce the total number of calories that we consume each day. If we go a step further and split the total number of calories into more meals then we will also keep our metabolisms running at a higher tempo. This can offset the slowing metabolism and greatly improve the ability to keep it off. It is too easy to jump on the starvation wagon during a diet. Instead of starving the body, keep it going with frequent smaller meals.

Adding a snack in between the usual three meals will help a lot. Keep it around two hundred to three hundred calories and try not to exceed your daily calorie target.

The Right Choices

Not all food are equal in helping us keeping the metabolism charged and the fat off. Many of you may have heard about the supermodels and celebrities using red pepper, green tea, coffee, and the latest fat loss food craze to guarantee success. The metabolism is increased after a meal for about an hour. Although some of these foods might have other beneficial effects, the effect on metabolism is small to insignificant. Enjoy these foods for what they naturally provide and not for the metabolic benefits.

The real winner in keeping your metabolism revved is increasing the amount of protein. Protein requires about twenty-five percent more energy to break down and assimilate. So instead of reaching for just any old snack, making it a high protein snack will have a slightly better overall effect on metabolism. I know it is not always easy to find good, healthy, and tasty protein alternatives. To tell you the truth, most protein bars and snacks are downright disgusting. My focus has always been on healthy natural ingredients that I can find in the fresh food section at the local store. I enjoy cottage cheese and frequently create a healthy snack around a can of tuna.

Supplements are not all bad, but natural alternatives will always be my preference. Experiment a bit and find a few healthy proteins that you like. I like to have a target ratio for each snack and meal. I try to keep the ratio of carb/protein/fat as close as possible to 40/30/30. This seems to be higher protein level than the normal diet while not making it too difficult to maintain as a permanent diet.


Just having a high metabolism is not going to magically melt away the fat. The goal is to have s higher metabolism at a specific weight so that it becomes easier to lose and keep unwanted fat off. My experience and many studies support the fact that this can be accomplished by making a few choices:

• Keep active (exercise)
• Build muscles
• Eat smaller meals more often
• Snack on high protein foods

Remember that your metabolism will try to maintain the energy equilibrium. Your body is going to protect itself, but the right choices will help you to outsmart a slowing metabolism and keep the fat off rather than continuing the yo-yo diet syndrome.


Wednesday 26 August 2009

Great Weight Loss Workouts For Your Waist

If you're looking to tighten your gut to create a more feminine looking hour glass figure, today I have some excellent weight loss workouts for your waist that can do just that. These workouts are simple and easy. That way, you're more apt to do them.

You don't need something that is impractical and difficult.

Jumping jacks and hula hoop intervals

The first thing you want to do is grab a weighted hula hoop. And I'll tell you why you need a weight hula hoop - for the sake of practicality. A kid's hula hoop is way to light and will fall to the ground every couple of seconds. A weighted hula is easier to twirl because it rotates slower.

So, once that is out of the way, just hula hoop for about 60 seconds and then immediately switch to doing jumping jacks for another 60 seconds. Do 4 sets of this. Rest 45 seconds after you have completed a full set. So, this should take less than 15 minutes total.

Do these exercises as much as you can. Doing them everyday is ideal.

Abs squeezes combined with vacuum pose

These are two of the best isometric tension exercises for your stomach muscles. The vacuum pose consists of sucking in your gut as much as you can for 3 seconds. The abs squeeze has you tightening and flexing down on your stomach muscles for 3-5 seconds.

Keep alternating between these 2 exercises for at least 5 minutes straight. If you are really serious about dropping inches from your waist, I'd strongly recommend doing these exercises every day.

These 2 weight loss workouts for the waist work really well if you put the time in.


Here's a Free Diet to Lose 10 Pounds

Today I want to tell you about a free diet to lose pounds. Don't worry. It's nothing hard. Just know that it can't produce results that will allow you to lose 10 pounds or more in a week.

That's not something that's possible.

And if you are smart, you'll know that's not a healthy way to lose weight anyway. You'd just pack it back on.

Drink protein drinks

A big part of this diet will be protein shakes. I need you to drink 3 protein shakes each day.

You can add water or milk. Then add a banana or an apple - any kind of fruit. Then add 25 grams of protein powder.

Just use a protein powder that doesn't have more than 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving.

Then drink.

2 solid meals a day

If you can, eat eggs each morning and a salad with a protein added for dinner. You can do a lot with eggs so you won't get tired of them. Add green peppers, red peppers, onions, sour cream, and maybe some barbecue or hot sauce. Just keep mixing things up so you don't get bored.

For the salad you can add black beans, tuna, turkey breast, chicken breast, 4-6 ounces of lean beef, or salmon filet. Just make certain you add the protein to a bed of romaine lettuce with vegetables.


Low calorie yogurts and apples should be your focus. You can beat these two. Yogurts bring the protein and apples bring the fiber.

How was that plan?

This diet works if you commit to it. This free diet to lose 10 pounds will produce results in 4 weeks or less.

health for you now

Get Rid of Those Fat Thighs

Do you have fat thighs that you would like to go away? If so, that's the whole purpose of this article. We can get them slimmed, firmed, and toned just the way they should be.

So, keep reading if you're ready to drop some pounds and tighten up your thighs.

Lose Fat Thighs

Walk up and down stairs

This is a simple exercise, but very effective. There's no sense in making things harder than they ought to be. Losing weight is not rocket science. And neither is knowing how to reduce the size of your thighs.

All you need to do is find some stairs, and then get to work on this. And here's how it works. Just walk up and down stairs for 15 minutes straight. The whole key to the effectiveness of this exercise is that you do it without stopping.

If you already think you walk up and down the stairs a lot in your every day life, that doesn't count. You have to do this for 10 minutes with no rest. And commit to doing this every single day.

That's not a whole lot to ask of you. It takes me longer to shower in the morning.

And if you want to take things to another level, you can run up the stairs instead of walking up them. Give that a try and see what you think.

Jump Splits

This is another really easy exercise. Just stand like usual and then jump your feet to each of your sides until they are about 3 feet apart. Make sure your knees are slightly bent as you do this. Then jump back to your regular standing position. See how many of these you can in one minute without stopping.

That means to do them fast.

After you have finished, rest for about a minute. Then do another 1 minute set. Then rest. Do 5 complete sets. And do this exercise at least 5 days a week.

You'll love the results.

So, if your intention is to drop some weight and lose your fat thighs, you've just been given the blueprint.


Lose Weight Quick Without Any Side Effects With Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Losing weight can be an ordeal for most of us. It seems next to impossible to shed that ugly fat from our body. People have tried and tested numerous weight loss plans, read books, exercised in the gym, starved, and done so many other things over the years and got no concrete results in return. These obviously have broken their trust in weight loss plans and are now choosing to live an unhealthy life.

But don't do that mistake. It's not worth risking your life by staying overweight. You can definitely lose weight- and lose weight quick with a fail-proof plan called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The main reason why people fail in most diet plans is because they get bored from the routine sessions of eating the same thing each day, doing the same exercise and sticking to the plan like its chained around your neck. People love change in the menu, love flexibility in the diet plan and that what this program is all about. This is why Fat Loss 4 Idiots has managed to keep people hooked and lose weight quick.

There is nothing more frustrating than shedding those extra pounds post pregnancy. Once a woman delivers her baby, she tends to put on a lot of weight which seems impossible to lose. It's not possible to for a new mother to leave her kid and go to the gym to workout, nor can see starve herself as she's breast-feeding her child. The fat just seems to accumulate over the years and it becomes more and more difficult to shed them off. But Fat Loss 4 Idiots works like magic for all those mothers looking to lose weight quick after pregnancy.

This 11 day meal planner includes all types of nutrients required to keep you healthy. There is no need to starve yourself to lose weight. You need to include everything in your daily diet; even carbs and fats to stay fit and healthy. This is exactly how Fat Loss 4 Idiots plans its diet for its users.

No matter what your lifestyle; you will sure lose weight quick with this diet. Post partum weight is the most difficult to shed but this program does work wonders for all those new moms. Moreover it is a safe way to lose weight quick.


Get Rid of Stomach Fat - Secret Important Tips to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

If you have been struggling to get rid of stomach fat for sometime with no luck then you might using some of these tips. Stomach fat can be a difficult place to shed off unwanted fat but with proper techniques you can get rid of stomach fat.

First of all get out of your mind the idea that you can shed fats in the stomach by doing abdominal exercises.

Understand that this is not possible and it is not the right way to get rid of stomach fat. In order to do it the right way, realize that you need to do whole body exercises. Doing both aerobic and anaerobic exercises enlarge the muscle tissues and increase the body's metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories). If we are burning more calories than we consume then we increase our chances to achieve our goal.

Another tip is taking in proper diet meal. By proper diet, should not mean consuming less food, as you can consume less food but still not lose fat. A proper diet is the one that is balanced with the right nutrients in their right proportion. Such a diet takes into account the necessary nutrients needed by the body in the day.

Also you should consume meals at small regular interval of time in a day. This means you should commit youself to not eat less than four meals per day. Take small amount of food at each meal time, this will help the body to reduce its rate of depositing fats in the body.

On top of that you should schedule your time to have enough sleeping hours. Research has shown that people who don't get enough sleep have more than 70% chances of acquiring stomach fat. Less hours of sleep makes the adrenal gland incapacitated of secretin insulin hormone. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. This aid in the deposition of fats in the body. Proper sleep can prevent this and help you get rid of stomach fat.


Need to Lose Weight Fast? Secret of Colonics For Fast Weight Loss!

The answer is yes, colonics can cause you to lose weight fast.

For those who aren't familiar...

Colonics can be a rather "embarrassing" subject dealing with the cleansing of the colon through the use of a colonics machine which administers a gentle stream of water into your rectum.

The process is often referred to as colonic hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation.

I'll spare you from any additional "unpleasant" details.

The reason I feel that colonics are excellent for weight loss, increased energy and overall body health is as follows...

It all originates with the diet that most people consume.

A diet consisting of heavily processed food.

And by heavily processed, I mean the normal... everyday food you purchase at the grocery store: Bread, cereal, milk, meat... even fruits and vegetables.

Most of which are not sold in their natural form. They have been grown using harmful pesticides and hormones and packaged using additives and preservatives. These are all harmful chemicals that act as toxins to your body.

What colonics is designed to do is remove many of these toxins from your body. Basically colonics is a form of body cleansing.

The vast majority of those who have eaten a heavily processed diet have rotten "toxin ridden" food caked to the walls of their intestines and Colonic Hydrotherapy is designed to cleanse this toxic garbage from your system.

There are several reasons for it's health benefits...

First and foremost, it's only common sense that if you remove this rotten toxin-laden garbage from your body that you will be healthier.

But the second reason, something that most people do not realize, is that it will allow your intestines to absorb more nutrients.

You must understand that the primary function of your intestines is to break down the food you eat and absorb the nutrients so that they can be distributed to all the cells of your body. If you have waste material stuck to the walls of your intestines, then it makes it very difficult to absorb nutrients.

Basically you create a nutrient deficient body.

And here's something that just might surprise you...

Obesity is a condition caused not so much by "over-eating" as it is by not getting enough of the nutrition you need!

In other words, the body of those who are not getting enough of the right nutrition is unable to function properly... leading to excess fat storage.

It's very hard to get the nutrition you need if your intestines are not functioning properly. If they can't fully absorb the nutrients from your food.

This is the primary reason why I feel so strongly about colonics. The process will cleanse your intestines so that they will be able to more thourally absorb nutrients.

Please note though, if you decide to have colon irrigation done, you really do need to begin to change the way you eat.

It's foolish to thing that you can simply cleanse your colon and then go back to eating the exact same way you were. It will just get clogged up again!

You must know WHAT and HOW to eat for optimal weight loss and overall body health... period!

Having colonics done and changing the way you eat would be an incredibly potent way to lose your excess body fat very quickly!

diet hylpropion news

Fiber Therapy For Dramatic Weight Loss

If you are like many who have tried to lose weight countless times and have been unsuccessful, then maybe you are overlooking an important component of your diet. And that component is called fiber. A lack of fiber in your diet can make it a very difficult for you to lose weight consistently. I am going to discuss some fiber therapy techniques that will help keep you regular, as well as burn that unsightly fat.

What you are about to do is a 48 hour fiber therapy detox. Incorporating fiber into your diet will improve your digestion process as well as aid in good colon health. First start your morning by eating two slices of whole wheat toast. Ensure that you get bread that is fairly low in calories. Also eat 2 whole oranges in addition to your meal. There is a lot of fiber in oranges. Last, eat a good heaping bowl of whole grain oatmeal. There is a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals in oatmeal. Oatmeal is also a great source of complex carbohydrates which is great for keeping your muscles strong. This concludes breakfast.

For lunch you should eat foods such as beans, chicken, and any green leafy vegetable. These foods all have a significant amount of fiber in them and are very beneficial for your fiber therapy. Also, fruits such as bananas, apples, papaya are very high sources of fiber.

For dinner you want to eat light. Try to eat cereal that is whole grain with plenty of fiber such as bran flakes or any oatmeal type brand. In addition, eat a serving or two of fruit with your cereal. By following this basic foundation you will lead yourself to a healthy colon that will get rid of fat and other wastes out of your body quickly.

diet hylpropion news

Colon Hydrotherapy For Quick Weight Loss

Have you ever been on a diet longer than a few weeks? It's hard isn't it? The problem with most diets today is that they cannot keep one motivated for a long period of time. How you ask? Imagine that a woman named Alice wants to drop weight. She goes on the cabbage soup diet. She has heard so much about it and she wants to drop 10 pounds in a week. Alice sticks to the diet for a week and loses 10 pounds. She is ecstatic. She notices that she feels drained from the diet from lack of nutrients, and she is tired of eating the soup. And that's the problem. Diets get too tiring to continue and they can be very tiresome on the appetite. We will go over a method that will help you lose weight fast and keep it off.

Before going on any diet, it is absolutely necessary to do a colon cleanse. Although there are many kinds, one of the most popular forms of cleansing is the hydrotherapy method. How this method starts is 30 hours before you do the cleanse, you must do a juice fast. The juice fast will prepare your body for the cleanse by preparing your bowels. You will drop about 5 pounds of waste from your body.

Colon hydrotherapy will involve a licensed professional to put a tube up your rectum. They will then pump a constant flow of water into your intestines. While this is happening, waste will be grabbed from the inner most parts of your intestines. This will clean about 10 to 15 pounds of fecal matter out of your system.

Colon hydrotherapy is great for weight loss and should be done at least every two years for optimal results. That and a balanced meal plan daily will help keep you looking good and slim.


How to Lose Pregnancy Weight - 4 Tips to Get You Losing Weight in No Time

Sometimes it can feel extremely frustrating when you have no clue what to do about the weight you have piled on over the years. Worse still is when for months you have piled on more pounds carrying a beautiful bundle of joy only to be left with pregnancy fat that just doesn't seem to shift in the way you want it to.

It's hard and breastfeeding alone doesn't always work. For many women it takes more than nursing to shift the weight. (You shouldn't breastfeed only to lose weight either - remember nursing provides your child with the best nutrition they can hope for in this junk food world!).

Of course, when you have given birth you really need to take your time getting back into the flow of things. Rest and relaxation are important in the first few months. So is eating right. When we eat plenty of good nutritious foods we can recover easier from pregnancy and labour and also get more energy.

So to get you on the right path to weight loss after pregnancy here are a few tips:

1. Eat lots of fruit before each meal Fruit is nutritious, will provide your child with lots of nutrients and will make you feel more satisified after you main meal. Try to eat 4-5 pieces before a meal. This is effectively having your dessert first but is much better for your digestion this way and will prevent you eating more after your meal and will prevent snacking.

2. Get in a daily salad. Vegetables are excellent sources of nutrients especially minerals. Try getting in a large dark leafy green salad daily. This will help with cravings for junk and also provide your child with lots of food.

3. Drink water. Don't drink anything else. Sodas and juices provide you with mostly empty calories and are a waste of calorie expenditure. Save your calories for food form!

4. Observe your eating for a few days if you struggle to lose the weight. This way you can see where you are going wrong. Also note down if you are eating for emotional reasons. Emotional hunger can be the number one cause of weight gain and plateau. In the first few months of your child's birth you may find you are eating more for emotional reasons die to the difficulty of it all. If you are, once you know for certain, you can start planning to take action against it. Write a list of activities or things you can do instead of eat to resolve your feelings. This may be as simple as talking to your partner or a friend about your feelings or having a break.

These 4 tips are a great start to any weight loss program. Little changes can bring you great success. You may feel like you want to change one aspect of your eating habit at a time. That is a great idea to make long term changes and to prevent relapse into old habits.

Make sure you are exercising too. At first you could try going for walks with your baby in sling. Keeping it light is important while recovering from pregnancy/birth. Walks with your child in a sling are also great if your child suffers from colic.

Good luck!


Weight Loss Advice - How to Start Losing Weight!

When trying to lose extra fat it can all seem hopeless. Losing weight, dieting and getting into shape seems like a million miles away from where you are right now and is just is too big a mountain to climb. Not knowing where to start and the thought of doing it terrifies you so it keeps you from doing anything. Anyone who has ever had to lose weight knows exactly how you are feeling.

The overwhelming feeling prevents you from being able to picture yourself losing weight and changing your whole body and this fear paralyzes you from taking action!

So one piece of advice is to Stop weighing yourself! It becomes an obsession and you start to focus on the number the scales tell you. That means if you stay the same weight one week or put on a little weight you lose your enthusiasm and quickly feel depressed that all the hard work you have done isn't good enough. You don't want the scales to determine your mood for the day!

It's also wise not to expect to lose weight really fast, weight loss is a journey to be enjoyed. That might seem obvious to say but some people start off with this intention which causes them to give up easy. Realistic and achievable goals are best.

Another point to remember is that you don't have to cut everything out at once but you should gradually replace all your unhealthy foods with more healthier choices. The idea is to develop the habit of wanting good foods rather than bad foods that make you feel lethargic and bloated.


Monday 24 August 2009

How to Lose Weight in 10 Days Fast

Losing weight in 10 days can be a very easy thing to do, contrary to what people will let you believe. The problem is the effects all these methods have after you have lost weight. Before we get into that, let me show you 3 most easy ways on how to lose weight within 10 days:

1. Try the Sacred Heart diet. This basically revolves around eating nothing but vegetable soup for 7 days. The soup is low in carbohydrate but high in fibre, vitamins and minerals since the only ingredients used are vegetables like tomatoes, onions, celeries, herb and spices, carrots and so on. Not even potatoes are allowed. However within each of the 7 days you are allowed to practically eat anything you like, depending on the type of food allowed for that day. For example on day 6 you are allowed to have as much beef as you like.

2. Cut all the carb. Try not eating any carbs for 10 days. Basically this is similar to the Sacred Heart diet. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits to substitute the carbs instead. Complex carbs like these are difficult to digest because they are high in fibre. Fibres prevent accumulation of mucus and aids in passage of digested food in your digestive canals, aiding in weight loss and prevents bloating. Hungry? Load up on healthy snacks like nuts, beans and whole grain crackers. Never, ever eat refined or white bread or pasta.

3. Follow a simple, easy and natural guideline. Not only you have to starve yourself, but you will get the excitement and pleasure of following a routine that works. By using methods to make metabolism your friend and not your enemy, you could leverage fat loss effort using your own body and turn it into a fat-burning machine. Some of this includes choosing the type of food you eat, how to manage your portion sizes, exercises to burn fat fast and so on.

What I am implying is that you should not follow fad diets blindly. Sacred Heart diet, Atkins, South Beach - they all work but have bad negative effects towards your body in the long run. The best way on how to lose weight in 10 days is to go down a path of age-old wisdom - the old school way, but with new added twists that makes it more effective than ever.

Shed Pounds Fast - An Unusual Lose Weight Diet Plan That May Help If You Cannot Lose Weight

I have come across this unusual diet plan that says you can shed up to 2 pounds of fat fast. The Strip That Fat Program says your overall loss will be higher because of the water weight you lose as well.

It is all about eating healthy foods in the right combination - no pills, no meal replacement, no packages.

With a lot of the other diets that are on the market you can actually gain weight after your initial loss. Your weight can go up or down due to water weight. I know, I have tried a variety of these diets, too, and the weight always comes back.

It doesn't matter what shape or size you are, as long as you want to lose weight. Maybe you are one of thousands of people that are more than 100 pounds overweight. The Strip That Fat Program creators say they will be able to help you out, as this course can be continued over several months and is sustainable.

This type of weight loss program seems to very popular at the moment because there are no restrictions on the amount of food that you eat at each meal.

The requirement of having 5 meals per day, however, can stop you from over-filling your plate.

The theory is that if you eat smaller meals and eat more often, your body will actually burn more calories and store less in the form of fat.

There is a diet generator that comes with this program that generates a 14 day meal plan. It is personalized for you from a list of foods that you have chosen.

This is a life changing diet plan, but you have to decide whether you are ready to change the way you have been eating, ready to change your lifestyle for the better. Losing fat is the main goal of this program and doing it in a healthy and easy way that anybody can follow.

Diets, like anything else has to be your choice and some people need a lot of support to keep them focused on their weight issues. This plan does not have ongoing support and that is something to keep in mind.

Five Fabulous Foods For Flavorful Fat Burning

I love to eat. Perhaps that's what got me to become 30 pounds overweight at one point. I thought I'd have to give up my love of food to lose weight. I was wrong. In fact, I was able to enjoy food even more after learning about different delicious foods that help me burn fat. Then, I was able to satisfy my taste buds and still get back to my optimal weight! So now, I want to share five of my favorite fat-burning foods with you.

Fat Burning Food #1: Oranges
If you ever played sports as a kid, you inevitably ate the orange slices at halftime. But what happened to that today? I'm a firm believer in oranges because of its vitamin C content. Vitamin C helps to dilute fat and enables the body to get rid of it much easier. Other fruits high in vitamin C are great for fat-burning, too. Try grapefruits, guavas, pineapples, lemons and limes!

Fat Burning Food #2: Cayenne Pepper
Spice things up with a dash (or more) of cayenne pepper in your food! Cayenne & other spicy peppers contain capsaicin which increases the body's metabolism and therefore burns more calories. If you're not used to spicy foods, be sure to start slowly so you don't overpower the flavor of the food. Once your palette adapts to it, you'll wonder why you weren't using it more often in your sauces, salads, stir-frys and more.

Fat Burning Food #3: Edamame (Soybeans)
Edamame (pronounced ed-duh-maw-may) is a form of soybeans traditionally found in the Japanese diet. Soy contains chemicals that prevent fat deposits and also breaks down existing fat deposits. You can find them in stores and simply boil them for about 10 minutes, rinse with cold water, sprinkle a little salt, and enjoy as a great snack or appetizer!

Fat Burning Food #4: Cinnamon
Yes, another spice of life. The USDA reports that cinnamon may lower LDL cholesterol, tryglycerides and blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. I love sprinkling some cinnamon on my oatmeal, apple cobbler and even spicing up my coffee with it, and using less sugar.

Fat Burning Food #5: Yogurt
In addition to being a great source of calcium, dairy products can block calcitrol: a fat producing hormone. I love vanilla yogurt with granola and fresh berries in the morning. You could also try a smoothie or eat it with cereal instead of milk. Not all yogurt is created equally, so stick to the low or non-fat yogurts.

These fab five foods are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fat burning foods. Hopefully they give you a good start and will keep you going on your mission to burn more fat.

Top 3 Best Fast Weight Loss Tips

Pick a diet plan and stick to it. Don't get caught up in research mode. There are literally several 1,000 diets on the market and each diet proclaims to be the best and the latest and greatest in weight loss. It really doesn't matter what diet you choose to go on, just pick one and stay with it. Don't frustrate yourself by researching all of them. If a diet worked for you in the past chances are it will work for you again.

#1 Fast Weight Loss Tip
Make sure the diet you choose is compatible with your lifestyle.

In order for you to succeed at loosing weight you need to choose a diet you can live with.

For example:
* If you LOVE carbs stay away from a low carb diet.
* If you get bored with foods easily then don't go with a diet that limits your food choices, you need a diet that is flexible and has a wide range of food choices.
* If you don't like cooking or don't have time to cook then maybe you should look for a diet that offers pre-made meals.

Picking a diet that you can stick too and that complements your lifestyle is vital to loosing weight. Sticking to a diet is hard enough so go with a diet that fits who you are and you will be setting yourself up for dieting success!

You should also feel excited about the diet you are choosing. Having enthusiasm for a diet, especially when you are first starting a diet will help you stay on track.

#2 Fast Weight Loss Tip
Make it affordable!

Losing weight shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. There are so many great diets on the market today there really isn't any need to go with a diet that's going to break your bank account. Hefty feeds don't necessarily equal weight loss success!

#3 Fast Weight Loss Tip
Keep your eye on the prize!

Put up a picture of you on the refrigerator or your bathroom mirror of when you were thin or at your idea weight. If you don't have such a picture then cut a picture out of a magazine and tape your head on it. This may seem silly but its positive reinforcement and will help you make smart food choices during the day.

If you have always dreamed of wearing a sexy black dress then find one in a magazine and put your head on the picture.

Remember you have the power over food, you can make smart food choices and have your dream body and you don't have to spend a lot of money to get there either. You are the key to your own weight loss success!

Stay Away From Diet Pills

Why do I say stay away from diet pills? Well my story begins when a friend told me about some diet pills he got that were manufactured overseas. He had been having good experiences with them, and lost lots of weight so I decided I would try them out too. I paid the $45 for the 30 day supply and started taking the pills the next day.

I'd get up each morning drink a full glass of water and take one pill. That was all you had to do, there was no more to it really or at least that is what the directions on the box said. However I soon began experiencing the side effects of the pills. I began to have terrible head aches, my mouth and tongue were always dry and I began to feel a burning sensation in both of my arms. However I suffered through the side effects and kept taking them for 2 weeks.

At the end of the 2 weeks what I noticed was I had not lost one pound even though I had been eating less because they had curved my appetite. All that misery was for nothing, the headaches, the dry mouth etc. I did not lose one little ounce. I was very frustrated. So that is when I began to learn more about food and nutrition in general and also started exercising. After a month of doing those 2 things alone I lost 10 pounds.

This showed me that diet pills aren't the answer or at least they were not for me. Only by exercising and educating myself about nutrition and applying what I learned did I see any positive results. So stay away from the diet pills and educate yourself about nutrition and start exercising. Start by cooking your own meals and eating out less. Then go have a walk in the park or around the block in the neighborhood a few times a week. These few things alone can help you shed the pounds and feel better without any bad side effects that could lead to severe heath issues in the future.

Look Amazing - How to Get Rid of Those Extra Pounds

We all want to look amazing, don't we? Yet sometimes when we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror, the image we see is not quite what we had in mind!

It's very easy for days and months to pass and for us not to take very much notice of the way we look. Life is too busy sometimes to notice that we are slowly piling on the pounds. Before we know it, we are looking more than a little 'chubby' round the face. It's a tough life.

Most of us run our lives on autopilot because we find it so much easier to cope with or lives. Autopilot means that we don't have to think too hard about the routine things in life. We do things automatically, without thinking. It all starts to become a little 'unstuck' when we start to treat what we eat on autopilot. The result is that we lose track of what we eat and how much we eat and before you know where you are, you are half a stone heavier.

It really does pay to be 'aware' of what you are eating and to notice what you buy to eat, and how you prepare it. Just a little time spent each day and all the problems caused by your inattention can be put right.

If you want to lose a few pounds and to ensure you look amazing all the time, why don't you consider going on a 'veggie diet'?

It sometimes does us a great deal of good to have an 'audit' of what we eat. The results can be surprising and sometimes shocking, but if you become aware of the reality, you are well on the way to solving your problem.

Eating fresh not processed food is a real must if you want to stay looking amazing. Ask yourself how much fresh food you eat. Write down the result , and then have a good think about it. Consider cutting out meat altogether. It's not as hard as you think and you'll be doing yourself good too.

What is the Best Way to Reduce Stomach Fat in Women?

Did you know that about 2 out of 3 people in the United States are overweight? And did you know that approximately 50 billion dollars is spent each year to reduce stomach fat and help people lose weight? So with so much energy, money, time, and resources devoted to helping people lose fat/weight out there already, why then is American still so fat? Why then spend any more money to buy products that obviously don't work (if they did then American wouldn't be so fat, right)?

Men and Woman continue to be fat because they try and gimmicks, tools, and tricks, but avoid the undeniable truth of the following sentence : Reducing stomach fat and looking great at any age is only possible if you do this one thing - You have to consume more calories than you burn. If you do this, it is impossible for you not to lose stomach fat or weight in general.

You can continue being the 2 out of 3 people whom purchase something in the 50 billion dollar a year industry, or you can do what ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL works every time. You can burn more calories than you eat. And it doesn't matter really how you do it. Like the Nike commercial says, Just Do It.

Don't fall victim to the numerous predators out there who only sell you hope and deliver nothing. Follow these simple rules to lose your stomach fat for good.

(1) KEEP A FOOD DIARY - this will allow you to determine exactly how many calories you are burning every day. Don't forget to document every little thing as well, like the pat of butter, the squirt of ketchup, the 3 mints you had, etc.. This will determine how many calories you are consuming each and every day.

(2) KNOW HOW MANY CALORIES YOU'RE BURNING - You may want to invest in something like the Body Bug from 24 hour fitness. This will let you see within a very close amount exactly how many calories you are burning everyday. It will keep track of everything you (from daily walking, to workouts, etc.).

(3) MAKE SURE # 2 ABOVE IS LESS THAN # 1 - In other words, make sure the calories you are burning each day is more than the calories you can eating/consuming.

Don't fall victim do the billion dollar industry who only wants you to go from this crash diet to that so that they can continue to fill their pockets with cash. Follow the simple guide above, and you without doubt, will lose all the belly fat you want.

Acai Berry Juice Vs Pure Acai Berry Tablets

Here is a list of how Acai Berry can help you have a healthier body:

• If you want to lose weight, this tablets helps in weight loss.
• Due to the rich antibiotics and Omega 3 and Omega 9 fatty acids, as well as other ingredients, the berry is known to fight many serious diseases.
• Immunity is increased because toxins are flushed from the blood stream.
• The body receives instant energy that can help you make it through your day.

All of these are great benefits to this simple little berry.

The acai berry juice versus the capsule

As for the debate regarding whether the juice or the capsule is better, it is good to review the similarities. The first similarity is the fact that both the juice and the pills come from the Acai Berry. Both also go through processes before they make it to you.

The truth, however, is that the juice offers more flexibility. There are different beverages that contain Acai Berry and the juice can also be combined with others for unique flavors.

Also, pure Acai juice is unchanged, whereas the pill goes through a complex process that does change it. The pill is basically a quick way to receive some of the benefits of the Acai Berry without having to drink the juice or eat the berry. However, for those wishing to have the juice straight, choosing the juice may be the right option.

Personal preference

In the end, what you do depends on personal preference. If you do not want the juice, then you most likely will not choose the juice, but understand the benefits that you receive by having it. Basically, both have their pros and cons as you can see.

Eat Your Favorite Foods and Still Lose Weight - Two Groundbreaking Guidelines For Success

When I first tried to lose weight, I tried completely switching over to all health food, all the time. It was a disaster. It worked pretty well at first. For a week. Then the whole thing fell apart and I couldn't keep it up consistently. I would binge eat late at night, splurge at the buffet line. I could do well for a few days, but then the cravings were too much. Fortunately, I learned that I don't have to forswear my favorite foods just to lose weight. All I had to do is follow these two simple guidelines.

Guideline #1: Replace unhealthy ingredients with healthy ones

Choose whole grains over refined grains. I used to only eat white bread and white rice. Now, I almost always eat whole wheat bread and brown rice instead. I find the taste to be more hearty, and many of my favorite recipes are not only improved nutritionally, but in flavor as well! Choose vegetable fats over animal fats. Olive oil has become one of my best friends. Used in moderation, I can garnish my salads and also stir-fry some some delicious Asian recipes. Choose natural sugars over processed sugars. I always use honey in my tea instead of sugar. When baking if I have to use sugar, I try adding only half of what it calls for, and usually it tastes even better, without being "too sweet." My favorite thing to do is to use fruits with natural sugar like berries, mangoes, pineapples and more to sweeten both salads and desserts.Guideline #2: Keep eating your favorite foods. Just eat less.
This single guideline alone has made the biggest impact in my weight loss. I love this guideline, because as my waistline gets smaller, in this recession, my wallet is getting fatter. I used to keep eating and eating until I "felt full" or even stuffed. I would make larger recipes, order more at restaurants, and buy more at the grocery store.

Now, I cut my recipes in half, take home half my restaurant plate, and make a list when grocery shopping (and stick to it!). I didn't go cold turkey the first day. Try to cut your meals slowly. Drink more water, and add foods with more fiber (like fresh fruits and vegetables) to help fill you up.

An awesome trick I learned is to use smaller plates. Eat with people and talk as you eat. I used to wolf down my food as fast as possible. Now I sit and enjoy. I put my fork down after each bite. This allows the "full" signal to reach my brain before I can devour my whole meal in 5 minutes.

While there's plenty more you can do to lose weight, I believe these two guidelines are the foundation of being able to still eat what you like, but to do so in a healthier, sustainable way that will help you not only lose weight, but keep it off for the rest of your life.

Weight Loss Plan Secrets Revealed

Once you have found a weight loss plan that you think will work for you, your immediate reaction might be to go all out and give it your best shot. You might also expect to see result quickly. After trying it out for a few days, you might become a bit disappointed when you do not see apparent results and give up. You are not the only one who goes through this. Most people do not manage to lose any weight at all because they fail to stay focused. This article reveals some very basic but yet effective secrets on how you can succeed at any weight loss program that you may choose.

Be realistic

Once you have found that ideal weight loss plan and have decided to get started, the number one rule is to be realistic and set goals accordingly. You must understand that the amount you weigh does not only depend on what you are eating, it also depends on your genetic build. You might not be able to go back to what you weighed 10 or 15 years ago so don't set yourself up for that. Focus on losing smaller amount of weight consistently. If you obsess about losing all the extra weight fast, you will not succeed at all.

Focus on being healthy

You have chosen a weight loss plan for one reason and one reason only - to lose weight. But here's a tip. Do not focus all your energy on losing weight. You need to focus on being healthy. Studies have found that people who focus on leading a healthy lifestyle are more successful at losing weight than people who are constantly checking to see if those extra pounds have worn off.

Measure your progress to stay motivated

Once you have begun to put your weight lose plan into action and you have set realistic goals for yourself, you need to stay motivated to be able to follow through. Staying motivated is only possible if you see your hard work paying off and for you to see your hard work paying off; you need to be able to measure it. Checking on your weight at regular intervals is always a good idea. You might not see large changes in what you weigh but if those changes are slow and steady, more than half the battle is won. This progress in itself will go a long way to keeping you motivated.

Take it slow and easy

A weight loss plan does not work overnight. More importantly, you should not expect it to work over night. All weight loss programs are about healthy diets and exercise and this is where people tend to have the problem. While people don't usually over eat when they are on a diet, some tend to over exercise as they believe that the more they exercise the more they lose. This is hardly true. Like everything else, this too needs to be done in moderation. Too much exercising will only cause fatigue, stress and burn out which in turn will lead to you giving up on your regime.

Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon, The Food Journal

Studies show that a food journal doesn't just aid weight loss - it turbo-charges it. When researchers from Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research followed more than 2,000 dieters who were encouraged to record meals and snacks, they found that the single best predictor of whether a participant would drop weight was whether the person kept a food diary. It trumped exercise habits, age, and body mass index. The number of pounds people lost was directly related to the number of days they wrote in their log.

How your food journal is an essential tool to achieving your fitness goals:

1. Awareness: Instead of mindlessly consuming meals, your diet journal will help you become conscious of what you are eating, how much, and how often

2. Reality: Once you realize where the majority of calories are coming from, you can make healthier, low calorie changes and eliminate excess foods with little nutritional value.

3. Accountability: By writing down all of the foods you eat and calculating the daily calorie and nutritional value for all your meals, you are forced to consider how an extra serving of pasta or a dessert will factor into
your diet.

4. Routine: When you start a diet journal, you establish a routine. This routine helps you to maintain a stable, steady progression towards your goals even if you have a bad day.

How to use your food journal:

Begin by writing down all of the foods and beverages you eat on a daily basis broken down in to Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, & Snacks. It might be a little annoying as you measure out your food for the first few days, but make sure you are paying close attention to portion size. Record the time you eat each meal as well as all the items in your meal, including dressing, condiments, and beverages.

Calculate your nutritional totals for calories, fat , carbohydrates, protein, and fiber (calories are the most important). You can find the values for the most popular food items located online (, nutrition facts label on the container, or a calorie counting book.

Be as accurate as possible and try not to miss a day for the first 3-4 weeks, but don't beat yourself up over it if you forget a day or two. The more accurate your food journal the better your results will be it's that simple. You need to see the good and the bad, everything in moderation. You will not need to keep a food journal indefinitely , but it is an invaluable tool to reaching your initial goals.

Now you don't need anything hi-tech to record your entries. A small notebook will be more than enough. The smaller the better so you can take it with you. It's best to complete your journal entry after each meal so you don't forget the little things that might add up to few hundred calories by the end of the day. I really like "The Ultimate Diet Pocket Journal" by Rober Lluch because it is not only a food journal, it also has a nutrient breakdown for several hundred foods in the back of the book. So if you are eating out you can get a rough guesstimate of what you are eating.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks?

If you are desperate to lose 20 pounds fast, This article will be right for you.

First of all, I recommend you to lose weight naturally if you have enough time, because losing that much weight in such a short time isn't easy. The fact is that the weight you lose may not be easy to maintain after a while.

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you can do it in 3 ways:

1. Go on a master cleanse detox diet.

That's right, Hollywood celebrities' secret weapon to lose 10-20 pounds in few days is master cleanse diet. Master cleanse diet provide you with carbs and sugars, this diet is "the extreme way to lose weight" and you will lose 20 pounds fast. Here's the recipe for making the Master Cleanse lemonade:

* 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
* 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
* 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
* 10 oz of filtered water

2. Doing 1 hour aerobic workout every day.

In order to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, you must burn more calories by working out at least 1 hour everyday. You will lose 20 pounds by doing a lot of intense physical training over 2 weeks. You can swimming, playing tennis, basket ball, or whatever activities you like.

3. Don't forget eating protein.

It's important to take 1 scoop of protein powder (such as whey protein) mixed in the water or drink protein shake. Protein will keep you full for a long period of time and maintain your life.

Losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks is very difficult and its not the healthy way to lose weight. But if you believe in yourself and are willing to put in some effort, You will achieve your goal fast!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - A Unique Diet

Fat Loss 4 Idiots (It's former name is Weight Loss 4 Idiots) was first released 5 years ago, based on the "calorie shifting theory". This diet is unique because it is neither a low calorie diet nor a low carbon diet. It doesn't require counting calories, carbs or cat! It is very simple and some people call it fool proof diet which means that anyone can do it easily.

1. Unique "Calorie Shifting Technique"

Calorie Shifting Technique will help you lose weight fast and continuously. This diet requires you to eat 4 meals with different amount of calories, your metabolism will keep running high if you shifting your calorie intake frequently. That is why you can lose weight fast without starvation.

2. Unique "Diet Generator"

Fat Loss 4 Idiots' s diet generator allows you to choose 30 foods form a list of 46 choices. After choosing your favorite foods, the diet generator will generate a menu automatically in just second! What you need to do next is just following the menu and eat as much as you can.

3. Unique Promise "Lose 9 lbs in every 11 days"

Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet promises that you will lose 9 lbs in every 11 days. The fact is that if you can follow the diet strictly and drink much water, you will lose 9 pounds in 11 days easily.

In conclusion

Fat Loss 4 idiots is an revolutionar diet in the weight loss industry, because people can lose weight without harmful drugs, boring workouts or starvation.

How to Lose Weight Fast Easy and Naturally

Many people want to lose weight by going on diet, taking weight loss pills, working out every day, or starving themselves. It's dangerous to lose fat the extreme way but some ladies are desperate to find the fastest way to get rid of weight even it will hurt their bodies. Is there a method to lose weight fast and easy? You will find the answer in this article.

Although weight loss supplements will help you lose weight easily, It's not the naturally way to burn fat. Pills and Drugs works by boosting your metabolism to keep you burning fat, they are effective but contain much harmful chemicals. Working out can help you burn more calories and build muscle mass. But if you are a lazy man or you're not physically active, don't do intense physical training as you may injure yourself. If you want to lose weight by starving yourself, you will gain weight rather than lose it because your body goes into the "starvation mode."

"I want to lose weight with out harmful drugs, boring workouts or starvation, Is it possible?"

Yes, you can! "Calorie Shifting Diet" was designed to help people lose weight fast easy and naturally by changing their eating habits. It's a revolutionary technique in the weight loss industry created by FatLoss4idiots Company. It's also called "idiots proof diet" because any one can do it.

How does it works?

"Losing Weight Can be Fun!" Calorie Shifting Diet is such a funny diet. This is how it works.

1. It's "Diet Generator" is unique, you will choose up to 30 of your favorite foods from this list. The diet generator will then create an 11 day "calorie shifting" menu for you, based on those foods.

2. "Eat 4 meals a day, eat as much as you can." Is it sounds like a miracle? Calorie Shifting Diet will raise your metabolism and keep it running high so you will lburn fat even in your sleep.

3. Calorie Shifting Diet promises that you will lose 9 in every 11 days permanently.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Lose 15 Pounds in Less Than 3 Weeks - Easily Lose Weight With This Highly Effective & Fast Diet!

Are you struggling trying to lose pounds but it just seems as if nothing ever works?! Listen, take just 60 quick seconds out of your busy day to read on and discover an easy, effective, natural, and proven online diet to drop pounds of fat fast!

Okay, first things first. In order to lose weight fast, I highly recommend you stick with 100% natural methods.Unnatural techniques such as "fad diets" (those popular low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc. diets) are very ineffective and will cause your metabolism to decrease. If this occurs, you'll more than likely end up with the "up-and-down weight loss" effect, and your body will RETAIN fat instead of getting rid of it!

Now, after around 2 1/2 years of researching online diet plans, the most effective diet I've come across to lose pounds of fat quickly is the calorie shifting diet.

This diet has proven effective to drop several pounds fast simply because of the fact that it is strictly based on getting PROPER nutrition, and BOOSTING your metabolism to the peak!

It's also pretty easy to learn and do this diet since everything is provided to you. You'll get this diet generator program that designs your daily menu plan of 4 meals you eat each day...(NO STARVING)! You'll also learn about the staple of this diet plan....the "shifting" technique. This technique used in conjunction with the 4 meals you'll be eating will SKYROCKET your metabolism to it's peak for consistently, permanent, and lightning fast weight loss.

So, if you want lose 15 pounds in less than 3 weeks...PERMANENTLY, then I highly recommend for you to look into and tryout the calorie shifting diet today.


Is There One Right Way to Lose Weight?

Very so much information out there about how to lose weight. Or should I say mis-information? You look on forums, in book stores, even on reputable health sites, and all you find is conflicting information. Even Oprah can't seem to settle on what the one right way is, with all the experts that she's had on her show over the years. If you even she can't figure it out, what hope do we have?

Well, the answer is that there is actually a lot of hope. This is good news for constant diet searchers! This means that there actually is an answer out there, one right answer.

Here is the part that is a little more complicated, though. Do you remember in the Billy Crystal movie City Slickers, the scene when Billy Crystal's character is riding on the plains with Jack Palance's character and Jack tells Billy that he knows the secret of life? Billy, whose character has been in an existential crisis, is very excited to find out what the secret of life actually is. Jack tells him it's just one thing. Billy, thrilled, asks Jack's character what that one thing is. Jack turns to him sagely and tells him, that's what you need to figure out.

So how does this relate to dieting? I'm sure that's what you're wondering. Well the truth is, while there is only one good answer for you, that doesn't mean it's the same answer for every one. So yes, while there is one right way to lose weight, it might not be the same for you as it is for me, or even for Oprah.

What the right way is is what you need to figure out.


How to Lose 10 Lbs Fast in Less Than a Week

A lot of people ask me how they can lose 10 pounds fast. I always reply by asking them how fast they want to get rid of it. Most of people are desperate to lose 10 pounds in less than a week. You must know that lose weight too fast is bad to your healthy, but if you really need to drop 10 pounds in less than a week, I will show you can do this.

Although you can lose 10 lbs in less than a week, it may not be the most healthy thing you can do because it requires you to starve yourself for several days. And I can not guarantee the weight you loss can maintain after a while. Here are 2 suggested courses of action to help you lose 10 lbs fast .

1. Do 3 days of intense physical training and dieting.

The best work out you can do is to go on a 3 day intense physical training like hiking and camping. The hiking will help you burn much calorie and the camping will keep you away from unhealthy foods. But you have to be aware that if you're not physically active, never do intense physical training as you may hurt yourself.

2. Go on a juice detox diet

A juice Diet requires you only to drink the mixed juice for several days. In this 3 days you will drink a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup, water (bottled) and cayenne pepper. The best lemon juice based detox diet is the master cleanse diet (also known as the model detox diet or Lemonade diet). This is because the master cleanse is the detox method that most celebrities doing and having success with. However, this is a diet that will sometimes leave you hungry, so you have to stick to it for 3-5 days if you want to achieve your weight loss goal.

In Conclusion:

Remember that this extreme fast weight loss may not be permanent. After you detox your body, it'll be up to you to maintain the weight.

And do not forget that the detox option is not the healthy way to lose 10 lbs quickly, but it can meet the fastest weight loss goal for you.

diet hylpropion news

Lose 25 Pounds in Less Than 30 Days - Extraordinary Diet System to Drop Several Lbs Fast & Easy!

How would you like to lose 25 pounds in less than 30 days without starvation, a lack of energy, and cravings?! Alright, well take just 60 seconds out of your hectic day to read on and learn about the top diet of 2009 to get accelerated weight loss and fat loss with ease!

Okay, first things first. If you want to lose pounds and fat as quickly as possible, please take my advice and stick with natural dieting. You see, fad dieting (low carb, low calorie, low fat, etc.) is extremely ineffective and will cause you more problems than good! The consequence with those diets is your metabolism will slow down. If this occurs, what will end up happening is the dreaded "rebound weight loss" effect and your body will KEEP ON fat instead of melting it away!

Now, the best diet I have found to lose pounds as quickly as possible is an extraordinary online diet program called "calorie shifting".

This diet has proven effective for me and for thousands of others because of how easy it is to do, you won't end up starving or getting cravings, and you will end up SKYROCKETING your metabolism to the maximum peak for fast results! You'll receive a fun diet generator that will create your "4 meals a day" menu plan consisting of YOUR FAVORITE foods that you get to pick out. These meals are specifically designed to increase your fat burning hormones.

You'll also learn about the backbone of this diet...the "shifting" technique. Using this powerful technique, you will get your metabolism instantly raised to the peak so that you will consistently and permanently lose a ton of pounds with ease.

So, if you want to lose 25 pounds in less than 30 days...and keep the weight off, then I highly recommend for you to look into and tryout the calorie shifting diet today.

health for you now

Weight Loss Sabotage - 3 Ways Your Thinking Must Change Before a Diet Will Work

Weight loss sabotage is more of a mental issue than a food or laziness issue.  You have learned certain patterns of thinking that keep you returning to your old habits and sabotage the progress you have been able to make.  This article will introduce you to three ways your thinking is getting in your way. 

1.  I'm too tired today, I will forget my diet today and pick back up tomorrow.  This common procrastination keeps you taking one step forward and one step back and your weight never goes down.  There will never be a clear easy path to weight loss, challenges will come up and you must push through them even if you don't feel like it.  Do you want the weight off?  Then today is the day that happens - not tomorrow.

2.  I don't know why I am working so hard, the weight will just come back on when I stop dieting.  This is a big weight loss sabotage issue for many people I talk too.  You might feel like you can diet for a while but you worry that you won't be able to maintain it.  You will maintain your weight if you start to think in a new way, each night before bed acknowledge three things you did well that helped you move toward your goal.  This focus on the positives will help you change your mindset and keep the weight off.

3.  This is just who I am - people know me as a fat person.  Has your weight become your identity?  Stop that...your weight is not who you are and just as people have gotten used to seeing you overweight, they will get used to seeing you thin.

Your mind can be lead to weight loss sabotage or weight loss success, you can choose which thoughts to lean on and this will largely determine if you will be successful or stay the same.


A Guide to Fat Burning Diets

Are you sick and tired of fat burning diets that simply don't work? Most diet programs promise miraculous results but don't even come close to living up to them. They may produce short term gains, but in the long-term, they jeopardize your health, make you miserable, and fail to keep the fat off. Moreover, they're unsustainable. The root flaw that all these fat burning diets fall victim to is the premise that to effectively burn fat, one must disrupt the body's natural processes and wrench the body from its natural state. This kind of logic is silly. The body possesses the inborn ability to melt fat right off. There is no need to contort yourself; fat loss should be easy and natural. So do yourself a favor: delete all the fad eBooks that you've wasted your money on. What we need is a something is in accordance with the body's natural state, something that is actually informed by knowledge of the body.

Here is such a diet:

(But first, what it is not):

--It is not a low fat diet. These do not work. Period. Low fat foods can still be calorie rich, and calories are the enemy. (Read about it in "The Fat Fallacy".)
--It is not a low carb diet either. The Atkins diet does not work. It just makes you miserable. Carbs are an essential nutrient and must be consumed--in moderation, of course--along with the other macro-nutrients.
--It is not a starvation diet. Fasting diets are the most misguided of the fat burning diets that I've come across. The principle behind them is just plain silly. You need food in order to function. It boggles my mind that this is a matter of contention.

Here's the actual fat burning diet:
The premise of this diet is that fat can be burned by increasing the body's metabolic rate. Here's how you'll go about doing this:

1) Eat five meals a day. Not full, five course meals; more like substantial snacks. This may seem like a repugnant idea, and it may seem at cross-purposes with our goals. But hear me out. If you distribute your meals more evenly throughout the day, it keeps your metabolism in high gear almost 24/7, just burning away at the fat. You won't actually be ingesting more calories, even though you'll be eating more frequently. In fact, this technique will curb cravings, so that you won't ever feel the urge to binge again. This technique separates this system from all the other, wannabe fat burning diets.

2) Exercise a few times a week, or daily, preferably cardio. I know how miserable jogging can be. I hate it too. But it's a must. It's tried and true as a technique.

3) Eat the proper amount of fat. If you eat too much fat, it will be stored in your body, which is what we don't want. But you can't restrict your intake too much. If you starve yourself of fat, your body will respond accordingly--that is, by going into starvation mode. Your metabolism will literally shut down. The body's logic here is that resources are scarce and they need to be conserved. So, counter-intuitively, restricting your fat intake too much will actually prevent the fat from melting off.

4) Drink lots and lots of water. Simply drinking eight 16 oz. glasses of water a day can burn 200 calories! Water also flushes your body of toxins. Green tea is also good for this.

5) Eat foods that are proven to speed up your metabolism. Some foods that fit in this category are cayenne pepper, celery, and berries.

6) Construct an individually tailored diet plan--tailored to your biochemistry, to your weight, to your fat loss goals and timetables, and to your food preferences. This component really is crucial. Successful fat burning diets cannot be "one size fits all."

All these components are synergistic, so you should use them together. They form a system.

I have found, from personal experience and from experience with my clients, that this is the best of all the fat burning diets. Seriously. It burns off the pounds, and best of all, it allows you to keep eating what you enjoy, more or less.

But keep in mind that what I have laid out for you here is compressed and incomplete; it's just a starting point. For more information you should look below.

diet hylpropion news