sexuality health

Monday 24 August 2009

Eat Your Favorite Foods and Still Lose Weight - Two Groundbreaking Guidelines For Success

When I first tried to lose weight, I tried completely switching over to all health food, all the time. It was a disaster. It worked pretty well at first. For a week. Then the whole thing fell apart and I couldn't keep it up consistently. I would binge eat late at night, splurge at the buffet line. I could do well for a few days, but then the cravings were too much. Fortunately, I learned that I don't have to forswear my favorite foods just to lose weight. All I had to do is follow these two simple guidelines.

Guideline #1: Replace unhealthy ingredients with healthy ones

Choose whole grains over refined grains. I used to only eat white bread and white rice. Now, I almost always eat whole wheat bread and brown rice instead. I find the taste to be more hearty, and many of my favorite recipes are not only improved nutritionally, but in flavor as well! Choose vegetable fats over animal fats. Olive oil has become one of my best friends. Used in moderation, I can garnish my salads and also stir-fry some some delicious Asian recipes. Choose natural sugars over processed sugars. I always use honey in my tea instead of sugar. When baking if I have to use sugar, I try adding only half of what it calls for, and usually it tastes even better, without being "too sweet." My favorite thing to do is to use fruits with natural sugar like berries, mangoes, pineapples and more to sweeten both salads and desserts.Guideline #2: Keep eating your favorite foods. Just eat less.
This single guideline alone has made the biggest impact in my weight loss. I love this guideline, because as my waistline gets smaller, in this recession, my wallet is getting fatter. I used to keep eating and eating until I "felt full" or even stuffed. I would make larger recipes, order more at restaurants, and buy more at the grocery store.

Now, I cut my recipes in half, take home half my restaurant plate, and make a list when grocery shopping (and stick to it!). I didn't go cold turkey the first day. Try to cut your meals slowly. Drink more water, and add foods with more fiber (like fresh fruits and vegetables) to help fill you up.

An awesome trick I learned is to use smaller plates. Eat with people and talk as you eat. I used to wolf down my food as fast as possible. Now I sit and enjoy. I put my fork down after each bite. This allows the "full" signal to reach my brain before I can devour my whole meal in 5 minutes.

While there's plenty more you can do to lose weight, I believe these two guidelines are the foundation of being able to still eat what you like, but to do so in a healthier, sustainable way that will help you not only lose weight, but keep it off for the rest of your life.


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