sexuality health

Friday 28 August 2009

Losing Weight Is Simply Hard to Do

According to some estimates, around two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. When you stop and think about it, that's really astonishing. While those that peddle weight-loss plans and diet pills are probably giddy by the collective unhealthiness of America, having a society so overweight puts a huge stress on the healthcare system. Even doctors and nurses, who know how bad it is to be overweight can be found in plus size scrubs because they carry around an extra thirty or forty pounds. With so many people so overweight, there are a good deal of people looking for a way to turn things around and get themselves fit.

Fortunately, losing weight is very simple. Unfortunately, simply losing weight is very hard! That may not make sense, but it does if you think about it this way. For most of us, gaining weight is like basic accounting. If you look at what you take in calorie-wise and what you burn calorie-wise, you can tell if you'll gain weight or lose weight over the long term. If you're taking in less calories than you're burning, you're going to lose weight. If you're taking in more calories than you're burning, you're going to gain weight (and might need to see the folks in print scrub jackets more, since you might be making more doctor visits). Sure, there are some variables and exceptions to consider, but the basics are pretty simple. The unfortunate part is it's really hard for many people to make the lifestyle changes necessary to either limit their calorie intake or increase the amount of calories they burn.

For some, their life is packed with so many activities, things to do, hours of work, and snippets of relaxation that the last thing they want to do is work out or plan and cook a healthy meal. And while some people are constantly looking for that next easy diet to solve all their problems, for the most part a healthy diet and exercise will get you on the right track so you might not have to have the nurses in print scrub tops administering a stress test on you or checking you for high cholesterol. There are resources everywhere about how to build healthy habits into your life, and there are any number of health clubs, exercise DVDs, and workout books that can give you the knowledge and motivation you might need. It all boils down to how much you really want to lose those extra pounds, since you're the only one that can stop you!



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