sexuality health

Friday 28 August 2009

The Craze - Explain It!

We often follow the crowd or "accepted" behavior. Call it nonsensical, because sometimes that is exactly what it is. There is a craze about everything "diet." There a craze for energy drinks. There is a craze about being as-thin-as-a-stick. There is a craze about tattooing one's body, there is another craze about body piercing, another about fake hair, about medication, about electronics and so on. Someone once said, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Is it really? People use it as justification for acceptance of others' behavior. We are afraid to admit that some things are just plain ugly, no matter who's looking at it. Because we are afraid to offend someone, we have become dishonest. Sometimes, we won't even admit it to ourselves. We even go as far as paying compliments to people that have strange looking things. In today's world, fads are no longer "just fads," they are now a way of life or some sort of permanent fixtures.

Throughout generations, teenagers have always tried to differentiate themselves from their parents. It is a form of identity crisis and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, it takes years of living before you truly know yourself. Our parents might have called it rebellion at the time, but it is nothing compared to what is happening today. What makes it even more controversial is that some parents are not just accepting this behavior as normal, but they are also imitating their teenagers. Some people wear scanty clothes, really the bare minimum. Some other people wear clothes that are so tight-fitting that even breathing must hurt, and some wear their clothes so big that they need to hold on to them to keep them on. Where did common sense go? Maybe we just don't get it! Maybe it's simply a world gone mad!

In previous eras of major changes, gradual progression and a modicum of resistance allowed us to adjust. So, we made small alterations to our thinking, and infiltrated these changes into our lives, over a period of time. But when these changes occur all at once, and in every aspect of life, it is hard enough to fathom the reasoning behind them, much less adequately adjust to them. What we have as a result is chaos! I sometimes shudder to think about what else people will come up with. What values will the next generation inherit? Today there is no unified code of conduct or proper behavior; it is simply "whatever!"

What can we do? Not much! How do we make sure our past history or culture is remembered? Maybe in the not-so-distant future, people won't care about their history or any of the things that we now hold dear. The evolution to a more electronically geared society will eliminate social interactions; therefore, it will be easier for individuals to forget others and focus on computerized machines. Future generations, I think, will find a way to make "freaky" the norm. You can't help but to wonder how far it will go. Is the constant fear of lawsuits ruling the day? Or is it the fear of standing out and being outside the crowd? Weirdness has gone rampant. Under the guise of "freedom of expression" our values have gone out the door. Vanished!



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