sexuality health

Wednesday 26 August 2009

How to Lose Pregnancy Weight - 4 Tips to Get You Losing Weight in No Time

Sometimes it can feel extremely frustrating when you have no clue what to do about the weight you have piled on over the years. Worse still is when for months you have piled on more pounds carrying a beautiful bundle of joy only to be left with pregnancy fat that just doesn't seem to shift in the way you want it to.

It's hard and breastfeeding alone doesn't always work. For many women it takes more than nursing to shift the weight. (You shouldn't breastfeed only to lose weight either - remember nursing provides your child with the best nutrition they can hope for in this junk food world!).

Of course, when you have given birth you really need to take your time getting back into the flow of things. Rest and relaxation are important in the first few months. So is eating right. When we eat plenty of good nutritious foods we can recover easier from pregnancy and labour and also get more energy.

So to get you on the right path to weight loss after pregnancy here are a few tips:

1. Eat lots of fruit before each meal Fruit is nutritious, will provide your child with lots of nutrients and will make you feel more satisified after you main meal. Try to eat 4-5 pieces before a meal. This is effectively having your dessert first but is much better for your digestion this way and will prevent you eating more after your meal and will prevent snacking.

2. Get in a daily salad. Vegetables are excellent sources of nutrients especially minerals. Try getting in a large dark leafy green salad daily. This will help with cravings for junk and also provide your child with lots of food.

3. Drink water. Don't drink anything else. Sodas and juices provide you with mostly empty calories and are a waste of calorie expenditure. Save your calories for food form!

4. Observe your eating for a few days if you struggle to lose the weight. This way you can see where you are going wrong. Also note down if you are eating for emotional reasons. Emotional hunger can be the number one cause of weight gain and plateau. In the first few months of your child's birth you may find you are eating more for emotional reasons die to the difficulty of it all. If you are, once you know for certain, you can start planning to take action against it. Write a list of activities or things you can do instead of eat to resolve your feelings. This may be as simple as talking to your partner or a friend about your feelings or having a break.

These 4 tips are a great start to any weight loss program. Little changes can bring you great success. You may feel like you want to change one aspect of your eating habit at a time. That is a great idea to make long term changes and to prevent relapse into old habits.

Make sure you are exercising too. At first you could try going for walks with your baby in sling. Keeping it light is important while recovering from pregnancy/birth. Walks with your child in a sling are also great if your child suffers from colic.

Good luck!



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