sexuality health

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Need to Lose Weight Fast? Secret of Colonics For Fast Weight Loss!

The answer is yes, colonics can cause you to lose weight fast.

For those who aren't familiar...

Colonics can be a rather "embarrassing" subject dealing with the cleansing of the colon through the use of a colonics machine which administers a gentle stream of water into your rectum.

The process is often referred to as colonic hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation.

I'll spare you from any additional "unpleasant" details.

The reason I feel that colonics are excellent for weight loss, increased energy and overall body health is as follows...

It all originates with the diet that most people consume.

A diet consisting of heavily processed food.

And by heavily processed, I mean the normal... everyday food you purchase at the grocery store: Bread, cereal, milk, meat... even fruits and vegetables.

Most of which are not sold in their natural form. They have been grown using harmful pesticides and hormones and packaged using additives and preservatives. These are all harmful chemicals that act as toxins to your body.

What colonics is designed to do is remove many of these toxins from your body. Basically colonics is a form of body cleansing.

The vast majority of those who have eaten a heavily processed diet have rotten "toxin ridden" food caked to the walls of their intestines and Colonic Hydrotherapy is designed to cleanse this toxic garbage from your system.

There are several reasons for it's health benefits...

First and foremost, it's only common sense that if you remove this rotten toxin-laden garbage from your body that you will be healthier.

But the second reason, something that most people do not realize, is that it will allow your intestines to absorb more nutrients.

You must understand that the primary function of your intestines is to break down the food you eat and absorb the nutrients so that they can be distributed to all the cells of your body. If you have waste material stuck to the walls of your intestines, then it makes it very difficult to absorb nutrients.

Basically you create a nutrient deficient body.

And here's something that just might surprise you...

Obesity is a condition caused not so much by "over-eating" as it is by not getting enough of the nutrition you need!

In other words, the body of those who are not getting enough of the right nutrition is unable to function properly... leading to excess fat storage.

It's very hard to get the nutrition you need if your intestines are not functioning properly. If they can't fully absorb the nutrients from your food.

This is the primary reason why I feel so strongly about colonics. The process will cleanse your intestines so that they will be able to more thourally absorb nutrients.

Please note though, if you decide to have colon irrigation done, you really do need to begin to change the way you eat.

It's foolish to thing that you can simply cleanse your colon and then go back to eating the exact same way you were. It will just get clogged up again!

You must know WHAT and HOW to eat for optimal weight loss and overall body health... period!

Having colonics done and changing the way you eat would be an incredibly potent way to lose your excess body fat very quickly!

diet hylpropion news


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