sexuality health

Sunday 23 August 2009

Is There One Right Way to Lose Weight?

Very so much information out there about how to lose weight. Or should I say mis-information? You look on forums, in book stores, even on reputable health sites, and all you find is conflicting information. Even Oprah can't seem to settle on what the one right way is, with all the experts that she's had on her show over the years. If you even she can't figure it out, what hope do we have?

Well, the answer is that there is actually a lot of hope. This is good news for constant diet searchers! This means that there actually is an answer out there, one right answer.

Here is the part that is a little more complicated, though. Do you remember in the Billy Crystal movie City Slickers, the scene when Billy Crystal's character is riding on the plains with Jack Palance's character and Jack tells Billy that he knows the secret of life? Billy, whose character has been in an existential crisis, is very excited to find out what the secret of life actually is. Jack tells him it's just one thing. Billy, thrilled, asks Jack's character what that one thing is. Jack turns to him sagely and tells him, that's what you need to figure out.

So how does this relate to dieting? I'm sure that's what you're wondering. Well the truth is, while there is only one good answer for you, that doesn't mean it's the same answer for every one. So yes, while there is one right way to lose weight, it might not be the same for you as it is for me, or even for Oprah.

What the right way is is what you need to figure out.



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