sexuality health

Sunday 23 August 2009

Weight Loss Sabotage - 3 Ways Your Thinking Must Change Before a Diet Will Work

Weight loss sabotage is more of a mental issue than a food or laziness issue.  You have learned certain patterns of thinking that keep you returning to your old habits and sabotage the progress you have been able to make.  This article will introduce you to three ways your thinking is getting in your way. 

1.  I'm too tired today, I will forget my diet today and pick back up tomorrow.  This common procrastination keeps you taking one step forward and one step back and your weight never goes down.  There will never be a clear easy path to weight loss, challenges will come up and you must push through them even if you don't feel like it.  Do you want the weight off?  Then today is the day that happens - not tomorrow.

2.  I don't know why I am working so hard, the weight will just come back on when I stop dieting.  This is a big weight loss sabotage issue for many people I talk too.  You might feel like you can diet for a while but you worry that you won't be able to maintain it.  You will maintain your weight if you start to think in a new way, each night before bed acknowledge three things you did well that helped you move toward your goal.  This focus on the positives will help you change your mindset and keep the weight off.

3.  This is just who I am - people know me as a fat person.  Has your weight become your identity?  Stop that...your weight is not who you are and just as people have gotten used to seeing you overweight, they will get used to seeing you thin.

Your mind can be lead to weight loss sabotage or weight loss success, you can choose which thoughts to lean on and this will largely determine if you will be successful or stay the same.



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