sexuality health

Monday 24 August 2009

Top 3 Best Fast Weight Loss Tips

Pick a diet plan and stick to it. Don't get caught up in research mode. There are literally several 1,000 diets on the market and each diet proclaims to be the best and the latest and greatest in weight loss. It really doesn't matter what diet you choose to go on, just pick one and stay with it. Don't frustrate yourself by researching all of them. If a diet worked for you in the past chances are it will work for you again.

#1 Fast Weight Loss Tip
Make sure the diet you choose is compatible with your lifestyle.

In order for you to succeed at loosing weight you need to choose a diet you can live with.

For example:
* If you LOVE carbs stay away from a low carb diet.
* If you get bored with foods easily then don't go with a diet that limits your food choices, you need a diet that is flexible and has a wide range of food choices.
* If you don't like cooking or don't have time to cook then maybe you should look for a diet that offers pre-made meals.

Picking a diet that you can stick too and that complements your lifestyle is vital to loosing weight. Sticking to a diet is hard enough so go with a diet that fits who you are and you will be setting yourself up for dieting success!

You should also feel excited about the diet you are choosing. Having enthusiasm for a diet, especially when you are first starting a diet will help you stay on track.

#2 Fast Weight Loss Tip
Make it affordable!

Losing weight shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. There are so many great diets on the market today there really isn't any need to go with a diet that's going to break your bank account. Hefty feeds don't necessarily equal weight loss success!

#3 Fast Weight Loss Tip
Keep your eye on the prize!

Put up a picture of you on the refrigerator or your bathroom mirror of when you were thin or at your idea weight. If you don't have such a picture then cut a picture out of a magazine and tape your head on it. This may seem silly but its positive reinforcement and will help you make smart food choices during the day.

If you have always dreamed of wearing a sexy black dress then find one in a magazine and put your head on the picture.

Remember you have the power over food, you can make smart food choices and have your dream body and you don't have to spend a lot of money to get there either. You are the key to your own weight loss success!


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