sexuality health

Saturday 19 September 2009

Weight Loss - How Dead is Your Diet?

Losing weight is one of the most demanding struggle you will have in your life. Your mind tells you one thing and your body tells you another. You see your doctor and he(she) tells you something else. Everyone has an opinion on how you need to take care of "your" body. Is it not about time you stop and listen? Being overweight or obese is not normal and unless you decide to look into the matter yourself, you are doomed.

Weight-Loss-How dead is your diet? Dead foods are all the foods that have been cooked. Is that dead enough for you? Most of the foods we eat are dead. We have been told to cook our foods to make sure their are no germs in them that can make us sick. All or most of our foods are processed and therefore, all the nutritional value is gone from them. The energy the food is suppose to give us is gone. Why are we eating them?Their are many arguments out their as to how and why this has happened and all findings seem to be up for discussion. It's your body and what are you going to do about it?

If you are feed up with all the yo-yo dieting and you don't know where to turn, you are just like I was when I could not tie my shoe laces one morning and said to myself that "this is enough". You need to invest in your body and get the answers by yourself. That is what I did and I found help. What I found helped me: Improve my energy level like it had not been for many years. Gave me hope that I could regain my youthful attitude that was lost.(Where had it gone?) Learn to eat the foods I like in order for me to get the maximum benefit for my body. Adapt a new lifestyle that let me decide what was best for me.If you are looking to lose weight their is a new way of learning about what you are made of. Their are people out their just like you and I that have taken our bodies seriously. I was tired of being treated like a second class idiot and took my body into my own hands. Look at all the news about obesity and tell yourself that most experts have no idea what is wrong.

Taking care of you by learning about healthy eating is the only way to solve your weight problem. If I did it, you can too!

Food for thought.


4 Steps to Lose 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks

You may want to know if it is possible for you to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks. In fact, I can tell you that it is totally possible for you to do so. Yet, determination will be very essential. It will be difficult for one to lose pounds fast if one does not have the determination. Here are 5 steps for you to get rid of 20 unwanted pounds.

Steps to Lose 20 Pounds in 6 Weeks

#1 Drink 10 glasses of cold water every day.

As you may know, you have to drink 8 glasses of water every day. This will keep your body being hydrated. The metabolism of fat in your body will be more efficient. Yet, you have to take a bit more in order to lose weight fast. You should drink 10 glasses of water a day. It will be a lot better if you can take cold water. It is because it will be easier for you to absorb.

#2 Short term diet plan

Since your aim is to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks, you need to have a short term diet plan. Of course you should not let yourself be starved. For your breakfast, you should have some Kashi Pumpkin Spice and non-fat milk. When it comes to the lunch, you can have some chicken breast and vegetables. Be sure that you will not fry the foods. You can have other foods such as turkey and salmon for your dinner. Again, you have to consume some vegetables and you should not go for the method of frying. You should have some snacks between your lunch and dinner. Be sure to have something healthy to this end.

#3 Exercising plan

Normally, people will try to have exercising session of 30 minutes every day. However, you have to increase to intensity in order to lose pounds quickly. You should have longer exercising sessions each week. You can start with 30 minute session each day. You will then increase the time by 10 minutes every week until you will do it for 60 minutes every day.

#4 Weight loss pills

There are a lot of weight loss pills which can help you to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks. Of course you will need to combine these products with the above steps in order to lose weight successfully. On point you must note is that you should only go for the best products. Otherwise you will not be able to lose pounds successfully.

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First 28 Days - Only 18 Short Minutes a Day - Weight Loss Jumpstart Workout

You need do both a combination of cardio and strength training if you want to effectively lose fat.

Believe it or not, it only takes 18 minutes for the weight lifting portion. I've designed this program for the beginner in mind.

Let's stay focused on doing the bulk of your strength training at the beginning of your workouts, then cardio afterwards.

I want you to break up the body parts for each day into 2 body parts areas. For example, for Monday's would be shoulders and abdominals. Tuesday would be Chest and Back, Wednesdays would be the arms (triceps and biceps), Thursdays could be the front and back of the legs (hamstrings and quads), Friday in would be inner and outer thighs (abductors and adductors) and then Saturday could be your calves and your glutes. Sunday would be your "off" day.

After you're done with your sets, go right into your cardio segment of your workout. You can also do a couple of set and jump into a cardio interval for 1 to 2 minutes and repeat that cycle if you want to implement the two during the 18 minutes. An example would be a couple of sets of the strength training with some interval of cardio like jumping jacks, jump rope or jogging. If I'm using dumbbell, I sometimes use the weights by the treadmill.

However, I still want you to complete a total of about 40 minutes of cardio work total each day after the weight portion.

By working with weight, we'll work on building that lean tissue and than go into your cardio training using the steady-state method fat burning method. You'll get the afterburn benefit after leave the gym.

Train at your own level. Start slow and work your way. My suggestion is to start with 20 minutes of cardio at a very slow easy pace and then moving up by adding a minute every single day.

Do cardio that you feel comfortable or like the most. This could be treadmill, elliptical or whatever just as long as you keep your heart rate up. This will help you burn more calories.

By doing this format, you'll get strong building that lean tissue that will accelerate your metabolism much more throughout the day than just doing aerobics alone.

Stimulate the body enough and take the body into the muscle repair stage afterwards. You'll need weights you can lift in the 8 to 10 repetitions range. Heavy enough to lift up to that number in good form but no more. Each week, add a little more weight to make it challenging enough for you to break down muscle tissue. Feel some struggle with the weight but remember to keep the form clean. This is a great way to start your new workout path and to get the edge without overwhelming the body during your first 28 days.


Six Pack Abs Diet Tips You Must Know For Results

If you're on the hunt to get a flat stomach, you must start using some smart six pack abs diet tips that are going to deliver you results. There are so many diets out there available today that it can get very difficult to determine which ones will get you the results you're looking for.

Unless you're using the right six pack abs diet tips however, the chances that you do experience top level results will be slim because diet plays such a vital role in seeing that definition you're looking for.

Here are some of the top six pack abs diet tips that you must know if you want to see success.

Always Put Protein First

The first thing you should be doing is making sure you always put protein first. Protein is the primary macronutrient that will spare your lean muscle mass, so it's vital on a six pack abs diet.

Aim to get at least one gram per pound of bodyweight, if not more.

Don't Fear Vegetables

Second, try and eat as many vegetables as you can. While it may seem like you're stuffing yourself full of food in doing so, they are so low in calories that they will barely count towards your daily calorie intake and they will prevent you from snacking on other calorie dense foods.

Just watch the sauces you are putting on the vegetables as if they are too high in calories, you're going to have some problems.

Be Sure To Hydrate With Water

Dehydration is one of the leading causes of overeating because we begin to mistake thirst for hunger. Before each and every meal or snack you have, aim to drink one full glass of water first.

If you're still hungry after that, go ahead and have some healthy food, but in many cases, you'll find this really kills your appetite.

Add Small Amounts of Healthy Fat

Finally, if you want to really do best on your six pack abs diet, you shouldn't completely eliminate fats. Small amounts of healthy fats will actually help kill hunger and keep cravings down. They are also important for energy as well as many other functions in the body.

Aim to have 5-7 grams with each meal for best results.

So keep these points in mind as you go about your six pack abs diet. If you really want to see success, this is one thing you must get right.


Two Reasons You Don't Have a Flatter Stomach

A trim, sculpted belly is a common goal that few dieters are able to achieve. Understanding your genetics and altering your behavior are the first steps to getting a flatter stomach.


Your genetics are inherited traits determined by the behavior of your family. If your parents and their family have a history of load bearing activities, requiring the use of the shoulders or back, you would inherit the potential to develop powerful shoulders. Your genetics prepare you for previous family behavior, that is likely to be repeated.

If your genetics didn't pass on a flat stomach, it means previous family behavior didn't require it. Your genetics are a natural blueprint to help you flourish and participate in the same activities as your family.

You can't change your genetics, but you can change your behavior. Your genetics don't require you to carry a large belly, it just means you'll need to alter your behavior to deviate from your family's natural shape.

Your Diet Needs To Be Adjusted

The first step to altering your appearance is to change the way your body utilizes resources through diet adjustment. If you're struggling with your weight, you can often find the problems by taking an objective view of your behavior.

From the time we're children, our meal frequency and calorie totals mirror the rest of our family. It creates a sense of "normal" eating behavior that might be unhealthy. A simple way to change your eating habits is to maintain your total calorie intake, but increase the amount of meals. If you're eating 2,500 calories a day, you can quickly boost your metabolism by splitting your total calories to six meals a day.

The next step would be to gradually reduce the total calorie intake, and change your calorie composition.

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How to Get Smaller Thighs

When you're trying to change your body shape, it's important to understand the most efficient path to success. Below are three helpful tips to get smaller hips and thighs.

Understand Your Body Composition

When you're trying to reshape your appearance, it can be helpful to take a broad view of your genetics before choosing a specific plan. If your lower body is thick, and mostly muscle, you'll need to alter your exercise regimen to reduce the muscle mass. If your thighs have a high body fat level, you can reduce the size through diet adjustments.

Reducing Your Thighs Through Diet

It's not possible to target specific areas of fat storage, but you can influence how much total body fat is carried by altering your diet. Your focus may be on reducing the size of your thighs, but it's more effective to focus on total body fat loss. Shifting away from a high carbohydrate diet, to a more protein balanced diet, will start burning body fat. Your diet and behavior will influence how much fat is stored on your body, and your genetics will determine which areas of body fat are removed first.

Avoid Building Additional Muscle Mass

Often, it isn't fat on the hips and thighs that creates an unwanted appearance. Your genetics may have given you well developed quadriceps or ham-strings, which can dramatically increase the size of your thighs.

Thick, muscular legs are a gift for athletes but can be a nightmare for people who don't need explosive movement from their legs. If you want to change the shape and appearance of your legs, it's important to avoid increasing the muscle mass. Exercises that are load bearing, like heavy weight lifting, will produce larger thighs given your genetics.

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If I Get Skinny Fast, Should I Worry About My Heart Rate?

Have you ever been worried about your heart rate? Do you think that if you get skinny fast that your heart rate might be a problem? It's always a good idea to know why things happen, so here is some useful information which should put your mind at rest.

If I Get Skinny Fast, Should I Worry About My Heart Rate?

It won't come as any surprise to you to know that the heart he is the most important muscle in your body. The good thing is that it's not difficult to exercise or train your heart, and the benefits of doing this can have the biggest impact on your overall level of health.

Your heart rate also indicates how efficient your heart is. Your heart rate is the number of times it beats in a minute as it pumps oxygen and blood around your body. What is the average resting heart rate? It is between 60 and 80 beats per minute. (Women have slightly smaller hearts than men and so their hearts beat slightly faster, but it is not of material importance)

Lots of things can affect the rate at which your heart beats. The amount of coffee you drink, whether you are hot or cold or whether you are ill.

If you want to improve your overall fitness then you need to work your heart at between 70 and 85% of its maximum rate. The easy way of judging whether you're in the right zone or not is when you find it difficult to talk and exercise at the same time. When you are doing this you're using carbohydrates as your main energy source, which is good.

One thing to note is that you burn more fat calories if you train at lower intensity from longer period. This means that if you walk for an hour you'll burn more fat than if you run a half an hour.

Going on a diet has no effect on your heart rate unless you go to extremes. An example of this might be drinking large amounts of coffee and starving yourself at the same time.

The important thing above all else is to maintain a healthy heart. The most efficient way of doing this is to take one hours intentional aerobic exercise every day. What should that exercise be? Walking!


Will Running Burn Belly Fat?

Have you ever wondered whether running burn's belly fat? What do you think is the best thing to do to burn fat? There are lots of different theories about what is best, but here are some facts to guide you.

Will Running Burn Belly Fat?

So, let's answer the burning question. Does running Burn belly fat?  The simple answer is 'yes'. Running burns any sort of fat. But the best way of burning fat is by doing resistance exercises. Aerobic exercises are important because apart from anything else you exercise your heart muscle and you keep yourself oxygenated. This is very important, but resistance exercises are king when it comes to burning fat.

The thing about resistance exercise is that it creates lean muscle. This muscle is important because it is the most efficient burner of fat on your body. Big muscles tend to be full of fat, lean muscles need a lot of fuel, and they burn fat.

Cardiovascular activities like running and swimming, exercise your heart and lungs, but they don't use much energy during the process. It is not what is called a calorific exercise. 

What is important is the amount of lean muscle that you have because this will determine your level of calorific uptake. In other words, your body's lean muscle determines the level of calories that you burn and how much energy you expend. Lots of lean muscle equals a big engine, and that requires lots of fuel - if the fuel is fat then it will be burnt efficiently.

If you want to have a body which is an effective fat burner, you need to develop lean muscle. The benefits of doing this are huge because it will enable you to have a really efficient metabolism, and you will burn calories very easily. Maintain your muscle mass and you will never have a problem with weight again.

 As you get older you lose muscle mass, but there is no reason why you shouldn't maintain fit, healthy muscle. The bottom line when it comes to losing weight and maintaining your weight loss, it is a mixture of aerobic and resistance exercise that delivers the best results. This is the key to long lasting weight loss and a healthy life.


Thursday 3 September 2009

Facts About a Successful Weight Loss Program

Lifestyle and diet modifications are the two major foundations of a successful weight loss program. But it is a long term process. It requires discipline and daily focus. In this competitive world, we get less time to take care of our health. We run after materialistic pleasure and neglect our health. As a result, we have to suffer from severe consequences. Out of work pressure, we often skip meals.

It has a severe and dangerous impact on our health. We often eat fast and oily foods which contain heavy amount of fat. These foods make helps in gaining weight thus leading us to become less energetic and unhealthy. It triggers many dangerous diseases. The popularity of dietary supplements, nutritional pills are increasing as a result of this. Many people are taking these pills to stay healthy.

Dietary supplements are good but they alone cannot help in making you successful in your weight loss and healthy lifestyle program. You have to take proper diet at proper time. Apart from that, exercise is also essential. If you adopt these three steps and strategies then you can get success in your eight loss programs.

Many of us know that fact that obesity is the root cause of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Most of the heart diseases occur due to heavy weight. So, it is very essential to reduce weight. A little change in the lifestyle and diet can bring a lot of difference. Have you ever thought that what impact will your bad shape have of your personality and career? There are many evidences where people faced difficulties in getting good job opportunities due to their bad figure. So, it is the high time to think about thus issue seriously and act wisely.

People adopt many types of methods to lose weight. Some just skip meals and survive on fruits and drinks. But that doesn't work. They suffer from severe problems. It has a negative impact on their health. Eating balanced and nutritious diet is very essential. In addition to that, proper exercise is also important. Dietary supplements and weight loss products are gaining much popularity these days. But some questions hover in our mind - are these pills safe to use? The answer is yes. But you have to do proper research on the products and the companies which offer these products before using them. You can also consult with a reliable and experienced doctor. There is some really great and helpful weight loss, health products.

You need to be patient and confident to get the desired result. It is better to avoid junk foods and foods which are rich in fat. Follow a strict diet schedule. Exercise is the key to get a well toned and healthy body. So, you need to do proper and regular exercise to get the best result.

There are many companies which offer health and diet products to help the people to get desired figure. AdvoCare is one of the reputed companies to offer seventy exclusive skincare and nutritional products. Apart from that, they also help the people by giving business opportunities. Many people have participated in the work from home and supplemental income programs offered by AdvoCare.


Selecting the Best Dietary Supplements

Competition is there in every sector. Hard work and dedication are two of the key factors that contribute to the success in the business world. In order to fulfill our professionals targets, we often neglect our health. We are becoming more stressed and frustrated. We have to work for long hours to complete our work. After a hectic schedule, we feel exhausted and lose all the energies to do any other work. It is also affecting our personal life. We try to keep a balance between our professional and personal life. But the fact is that we often fail in it. We can neither blame ourselves, nor our work for this. We just need to find a solution to ease this problem. It is very essential to take balanced diet at proper time. Remember, food is the ultimate source of your energy. Skipping meals can be dangerous for your health. It is better to take meals at proper time. Dietary supplements are also great. Apart from that, you can also take energy drinks. These products are really helpful in keeping you fit and energetic.

It becomes really important to concentrate on what you are doing. But at some point of time, we feel lethargic and exhausted. We fail to work with that efficiency which is required for achieving the target. As a result, we have to suffer from failure. Have you ever thought what the root cause of all these problems are? Improper diet, lack of energy and insomnia are the main reasons for this. We need to take some drinks which can boost our energy level and make us healthy. The popularity of energy drink is increasing with time. It is one of the best methods to stay healthy and energetic. Athletes use it to get energy. The best part is that, it has no legal barriers. Any sportsman can use it to get energy. Spark energy drinks are really helpful.

There are different brands and kinds of energy drinks in the market. The ingredients used in the creation of these drinks promises to give energy. You can do some research on the products before using them. It is very important to know about the ingredients used in the production of the energy drinks. Most of these drinks help in increasing metabolism. Antioxidants included in the energy drinks are truly beneficial. You can prevent cellular damage with the help of antioxidants. It helps you to become stronger and energetic.

AdvoCare offers a host of energy, weight loss and health products. It offers many pills which are high in nutrition. The Spark Energy Drink offered by AdvoCare is really helpful. It is created from different nutritional ingredients which boost energy level. Energy drinks offered by AdvoCare provide nutrition for the brain and body. It helps boosting up energy level. Apart from that, it also helps in making you stronger. With the help of these drinks you can get more energy to do work. During high stress periods, these drinks really prove to be beneficial.


More on Weight Loss and Healthy Living

Most of the people are becoming over weight nowadays. So, they are trying desperately to reduce their weight by weight loss products. It is true that you can lose weight by diet pills but if you do not choose dietary supplements wisely your health can be damaged.

Most of the fitness and health experts suggest dietary supplements to be dangerous for health. But researches have shown that some of the weight loss pills can be used under right conditions. If you want lose weight by taking weight loss products, you must consider few things. Here are lists of few things that must be considered before taking the herbal supplements.

Firstly, consider your condition of health. If your health is in a good condition then only can you try out taking herbal supplements for weight loss. If you are suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, heart problems or any severe health problems, you should not take the weight loss products. Taking dietary supplements can prove to be harmful. You should always consult your doctor first and get the problems of health under control before taking any dietary supplements.

Secondly, do researches on the manufacturer. This is important. You must find out whether any doctors are involved in this process or not. You must also find out their credentials. If a doctor has been involved in production and design of the health product, it means the manufacturer is reputed.

Next, it is important to read the labels and research out the ingredients. The guidelines for FDA for herbal supplements do not need standardized amounts. In some of the cases, you only require a small amount of herb for putting the name on label. This means there is same quantity in all the bottles. This can also make you realize whether price of the dietary supplement is right on certain herbal compound.

It is also important to look for words like amino-acid-bound and chelated. Moreover, it won't be wise to pick up the bottle that has purest form of newest herbal supplements. Most of the supplements that help to lose weight are blended with the other minerals and herbs.

Finally, you should realize that there are no such things as magic diet pills. You should do regular exercises and follow healthy diet. The healthiest dietary supplements enhance weight loss efforts by suppressing the appetite and increasing the metabolism. The supplements improve, increase and extend something by adding up something to it.

If you want to reduce your weight, AdvoCare weight loss products are the best option. AdvoCare products are unique. All the products of AdvoCare are formulated with superior quality ingredients. AdvoCare has leading health products in the industry. AdvoCare weight loss products consist of a much better health meal replacement shake, energy booster, and appetite suppressant in comparison to others. So, if you want to really reduce your weight without damaging your health then try out AdvoCare weight loss products.


Tips to Lose Weight Successfully

Obesity has become one of the greatest problems of the United States. People irrespective of their ages are getting this problem and are searching for ways by which they can have a beautiful figure. Women as well as men have complained about obesity. This has become a great problem of these days and the number of people suffering from this problem has been increasing regularly. Several studies have been conducted to cope up with this problem and help the people get back a slim and active body. If you want to get rid from the problem of obesity then you need to search for the appropriate weight loss procedure.

The cause for obesity varies from one person to other. As the cause of obesity is not the same for everyone, the weight loss measure for each of them is also not the same. The weight loss measures vary depending on the cause of obesity. If you want to lose weight then you should take the help of a health expert and get proper treatment. A health expert will do the necessary examinations and state the treatment that is best for your health. By taking his suggestion you would be able to get a slim and active body within a very short period of time.

In the market, you can find several diet pills which helps in reducing the excess weight gain of a person. All the weight losses pills are not suitable for the health of everyone. Some of the weight loss pills promise to give a significant result within a very short period of time. It is better to avoid these pills as to lose the excess weight one needs to give some time. Most of you know that the weight losses pills have different side effects on the health of people. You should check the ingredients of the weight loss pills before you take them. The health experts and the dieticians can also recommend you some effective pills which do not have any side effects on the health of people.

Not only the diet pills but also there are different dietary supplements which can help an obese person to lose weight and have an attractive figure. You can take the assistance of the expert to find the dietary supplement that is best for your health. The dietary supplements contain different ingredients which help in reducing weight gradually. Taking diet supplements and weight loss pill is not all if someone wants to lose excess weight. To lose weight effectively, one needs to do some exercises and follow proper diet chart.

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Diet Supplements That Work For You

Eating plans, exercise and diet supplements are definitely nothing new to those who like to work out in the gym, as well as the sports men and women who actively use some form of supplementation in their diets. These products which may range from diet supplements to muscle supplementation products have different uses and resulting effects upon both the physique and performance of individuals that choose to use them in line with their structured eating and exercise programs.

The diet supplements that are commonly used by those athletes and people who lead a consistently active lifestyle and can vary from whey supplements to that known as Hydroxycut, which is one of the top fat burners available today. A word of warning though, the latter is definitely not for the individual who would like to shed a few pounds here and there, this is a specialised product aimed at the more hardcore weight trainer or body builder. For any of those that have been in the gyms or training for a while will be very familiar with the Hydroxycut name, one of the true and scientifically proven products that are available to the big time trainer and bodybuilder.

Alternatively diet supplements such as that of natural whey offer the active user thereof a very pure form of protein, that is also scientifically proven to be of great biological value than many other diet supplements due to the level of absorption of the protein that is taken in. These aspects of the protein extend further in that the product is an outstanding source of amino acids, and digestibility of the product itself, as has been proven in a variety of tests and trials.

Therefore one can see that the variety of products available can take the form of fat burners, protein based supplementation and appetite suppressants, although the latter in this instance is not necessarily the best, and although this is quite often the most popular for those that are looking to lose weight, if one considers the body is not taking in the proper vitamins, minerals and so forth, then you really are not doing yourself any favors in this regard. Especially if you are working out in the gym, as you are placing strain on your body and muscles, which in turn requires that these nutrients be replaced or possible health effects and related issues could ensue.

Hence if you have decided to use diet supplements you should establish exactly what these products do and do not do, as health implications can occur for the use of these. Furthermore if one just considers the basics of nutrition, it would be more sensible to follow a normal diet than to opt for the latest fad or craze within the diet supplements market.
