sexuality health

Saturday 19 September 2009

Two Reasons You Don't Have a Flatter Stomach

A trim, sculpted belly is a common goal that few dieters are able to achieve. Understanding your genetics and altering your behavior are the first steps to getting a flatter stomach.


Your genetics are inherited traits determined by the behavior of your family. If your parents and their family have a history of load bearing activities, requiring the use of the shoulders or back, you would inherit the potential to develop powerful shoulders. Your genetics prepare you for previous family behavior, that is likely to be repeated.

If your genetics didn't pass on a flat stomach, it means previous family behavior didn't require it. Your genetics are a natural blueprint to help you flourish and participate in the same activities as your family.

You can't change your genetics, but you can change your behavior. Your genetics don't require you to carry a large belly, it just means you'll need to alter your behavior to deviate from your family's natural shape.

Your Diet Needs To Be Adjusted

The first step to altering your appearance is to change the way your body utilizes resources through diet adjustment. If you're struggling with your weight, you can often find the problems by taking an objective view of your behavior.

From the time we're children, our meal frequency and calorie totals mirror the rest of our family. It creates a sense of "normal" eating behavior that might be unhealthy. A simple way to change your eating habits is to maintain your total calorie intake, but increase the amount of meals. If you're eating 2,500 calories a day, you can quickly boost your metabolism by splitting your total calories to six meals a day.

The next step would be to gradually reduce the total calorie intake, and change your calorie composition.

diet hylpropion news


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