sexuality health

Saturday 7 March 2009

It's Near the End of February - Have Your New Year Resolutions Bitten the Dust?

Here we are, nearly one sixth of the way through the New Year. Are you one of the many thousands if not millions of people who made New Year resolutions and have now given them up? How many people decide that the New Year is a good time to lose weight and try to undo what they did over the Christmas holiday? Are you one of them?

There are a number of reasons you should consider weight loss, even if you don't mind carrying a few extra pounds. First and foremost, if you are overweight, you are at risk from a number of diseases. The main health risk for people who are overweight is heart disease, which often leads to a heart attack. However this is not the only risk from being overweight.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol can not only contribute to a heart attack but also to a stroke. A stroke occurs when either a clot or a hemorrhage prevents blood and therefore oxygen from reaching the brain. When this happens the part of the brain that is affected dies and the consequences to the sufferer can be truly devastating if not deadly.

As people get older it is important that they take time to start looking after themselves and consider losing weight. The baby boomer generation is now the largest portion of the populations of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany and numerous other countries. How many overweight baby boomers do you see in a week? Mind you how many overweight people do you see in a week? The answer is far too many.

Before anyone considers losing weight they should consider why they have put weight on in the first place. The answer is quite simple. They have consumed more fuel (food) then their bodies need. The surplus energy is stored as fat. The next question to answer is how have they done this? Unfortunately the answers cover a lot of areas but can be summarized as not getting enough exercise and not eating healthily.

In today's climate everyone is "busy". Rather than walk to the paper shop people take the car (to save time!!) It is easier to buy a ready meal or buy a take away than cook a proper meal. These meals tend to be higher in saturated fats and salt than a home cooked meal is. Certain take away meals also tend to be high in trans. fats which are known to be harmful.

To lose weigh successfully is a simple process. First of all you need to look at what you are eating and adopt a more healthy diet. Secondly you need to expend more energy than you take in. (This is a posh way of saying you need to exercise more!) What you do not want to do is to go on a diet. This will be revealed in my next article.



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