sexuality health

Saturday 7 March 2009

Is Excessive Sweating Taking Over Your Life?

There are thousands of people all over the world who live with excessive sweating everyday. For most people, sweating is an annoying condition that happens when we are too hot or we over exert ourselves. But for others it is a real problem that seems like it is taking over their lives. Sweating can be controlled in most aspects but for those of us you cannot control it what can we do.

The facts are that most overweight people tend to sweat more than others and the reason is that their bodies are trying to cool themselves off by releasing the bodies fluids (which is mostly water) as well as dissolving solids. But sweating doesn't have to be all bad; as we sweat we are getting rid of excess water and in turn will cause you to lose weight.

So sweating does have its benefits. There are hundreds of people who live with excessive sweating and don't know what to do in order to reduce or get rid of it altogether. Excessive sweating can cause other problems as well; it can cause emotional issues as well as social issues too.

If we sweat in excess, it can show on our faces and in our appearance. It can be upsetting when someone points out that we have a sweat stain on our shirts or on out clothes. It can be even more upsetting we when take off our jacket and we aren't just sweating but the odor that sometimes comes with sweating. This can really hurt someone's social confidence. Especially in children who live with excessive sweating.

So what can be done to stop or decrease the amount of sweat that we give out. There are a couple of things that you can do; the first thing is to stay hydrated. By actually drinking 8 glasses of water a day can really help cut down the amount of sweat. Don't overdress, sometimes we tend to overdress depending on where we are and by compressing the pores, it could do more harm than good. By staying cooler in warmer climates it can drastically reduce to amount of sweat we give off.

Take a shower every day, depending on your schedule you can shower in the morning or at night. Wear a good deodorant, stay away from those generic brands, sure they cost less but do they work as good as the brands like Secret, Degree or Certain Dri. If you feel that these brands don't work for you, ask your doctor what he recommends.

Sweating could be more than just begin hot on a hot day; it could be a medical condition that could be a part of it. Consult a doctor if you are really concerned, often people end up with low self-esteem and social issues. Treat it before it is too late. Don't let excessive sweating interfere with your life anymore; there are hundreds of treatments and remedies out there that really work.



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