sexuality health

Saturday, 7 March 2009

The Effects of Lighting on Health

Is lighting responsible for your lack of energy? Do the blues have you in their grip? Have you been feeling tired and out of sorts? Well these feelings may well vanish if you begin to use proper lighting. Researchers have proven that gloomy weather and lack of sun stress both the mind and body. Lack of proper lighting creates many more health concerns than mere eyestrain.

Think about how you feel when you go outside. The sunlight is warm, bright, and soothing. Not only does it make you feel good it makes your very thoughts feel better and brighter. It might be amazing to think that you can increase your enthusiasm and energy with the right light exposure, but it is true.

Far too many people are subjected to artificial lighting during most of the workday. Some people have less than a few hours of sunlight in an entire week. People can be found who use substitute light sources at work and home from the earliest morning hours until well into the night. Sure, this fake light enables you to carry out the tasks and assignments needed, but it takes a severe toll on your mental and physical health.

When older people remind you of how much better it was in the "good old days" they are more on target than you might think. Remember that there was a lot more exposure to natural light and the outdoors back then.

Consider this for a moment. Women even apply make-up differently if they are going to be seen with the fluorescent lights of an office setting. These lights make people's skin tones look washed out and they do the same thing to a person's emotions and mental processes. Fake lighting is one of the most damaging environments that we expose ourselves to. The lifeless glow from artificial lighting cannot help but make people feel sad, tired, and dull.

There is a great need to have additional lighting at the office and at home, but there are some alternatives to the artificial variety that now saps our strength and energy. Making a positive change in your attitude, mood and physical health can be as easy as flicking on a better lamp.

Studies show that those who spend much of their lives indoors surrounded only by fake lighting and little exposure to the sunlight often battle depression, mood swings, fatigue and even increased illnesses and ailments. With a more natural light used indoors, researchers have seen even some pronounced depressions lift and improve. Overall health also improves in a very short period of time.

People who choose the proper lamps and lighting are rewarded with a happier and more positive outlook. Who could have dreamed that a floor or table lamp can bring the healing energy of sunlight indoors. You should look for lamps and lighting fixtures that mimic the color and light of the sun without exposing you to any dangerous UV lights.

This is the perfect way to safely enjoy the soothing, beneficial powers of the sun at any time of the day. The light is better on your eyes and removes the stress and strain that the dimmer, artificial lights create.



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