sexuality health

Tuesday 10 March 2009

How to Grow Taller Naturally - 4 Sure Fire Methods to Add to Your Height

Almost everyone in this world wishes he or she were a few inches taller. Shorter people are often cursing their genes and trying out literally everything from 'magic' pills to 'miracle' diets in order to add those few more inches, to no avail. There is no need to resort to all these methods, some of which could end up harming you. Here are a few tips on how to grow taller naturally, without the aid of any medication. If you are wondering how to grow taller naturally and that too without any medication, then read on.

1. Sprinting is an answer to those who want to know how to grow taller naturally. High intensity activities, such as sprinting are known to release more number of growth hormones in the body. The legs too are benefited, making them grow longer.

2. Hanging upside down is another way to grow taller. In fact it is one of the easiest ways to grow taller. Hanging upside down opens up the vertebrae, making the spinal column grow longer. Care should not taken though to not hang for more than 15 minutes or so at a time, since otherwise you could end up damaging your back.

3. Swimming is another option for those seeking answer to the question, how to grow taller naturally. Swimming is known to help in the release of more number of growth hormones which leads to gain in height.

4. For those who are wondering how to grow taller naturally, stretching exercises offer an effective method. One good exercise involves holding your hands behind you and then bending down, as far as possible. You should then stay in that position for as long as you can and then slowly come back to the starting position. This exercise when repeated for 5 or 6 times is known to be extremely beneficial in releasing tension all over the body and increase the secretion of growth hormones.



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