sexuality health

Sunday 23 August 2009

Daily Practice For Allowing Your Body Weight to Match Your Desire

There is that other aspect of you, the invented identity which is oftentimes at odds with all its conflicting beliefs and emotions. Your divine self knows you as a loving person and your identity self knows you as perhaps flawed. The law of attraction makes it easy to recognize where and when the two are in conflict through your emotions.

It takes an enormous amount of energy and resistance to maintaining such a contrast between our higher self and the one I like to refer to as the invented identity. Long ago when life was far less complex, we learned to believe what we were told to be true. Soon thereafter we began to believe we needed to avoid things we thought would make us feel uncomfortable. We believed everything we said. The statement, 'It's difficult to lose weight.' or 'I'm fat' is more often than not communicated at an emotional level. We 'feel' that way.

Then there are the more insidious notions we subscribe to in one fashion or another like, 'It's not good to be fat' or 'people won't like me if I'm fat' and 'There is something wrong'. Even more so, 'If I'm fat I'll have a good excuse not to do this or that'. But most of these are hidden from our view. The body is brilliant and is responding to the instructions we have provided in order that our existence is maintained. We have choice, and whatever we desire, whatever our invented identity chooses, it can have.

We are all living our lives in a certain way. According to how you have designed your life, perhaps you have learned to 'be careful' or maybe you have lived 'wanting to be noticed', or any numbers of various themes. Your certain way of being, changes as you re-invent yourself. But the way you are, whatever it might be has its own certain way of being.

Here is a starting point for re-inventing your story about yourself by altering your everyday practices, your certain way of being.

Number One - Reaching for happiness and joy is the key to providing the body with the freedom to be as you desire it to be. Each cell of your body vibration thrives in wellness where there is a non resistant and absolutely free environment. The optimal emotions are at the end of the scale where happiness, joy and bliss are to be found. Seek this above all.

Number Two - Live in the future which is the only place the past can not dominate the present. Shift the way you know the present. No doubt you live as though the present exists in the now. This is inaccurate. What you call the present is the past. Physics makes it visibly clear that you could never see and reflect upon the frequencies of the energy of the moment. Everything is energy moving to the present as it flashes for us to observe. It is never to be experienced again. It is one flash and then another giving us the appearance of things. If you wish to alter the appearance you must stand in the future energy formulating your dream.

Number Three - Rid yourself of every structure that reminds you of an unwanted emotion. Never have a conversation about that past 'reality'. Speak of the things you love about yourself. Invent a new story from the future. Looking from the future, what are you doing that you haven't been doing? See yourself newly. Look for the actions you take and what they suggest. Does what you do, suggest your past or your future? Remember, what you feed attention, you make real.

Number Four - Make it a point to share this with others that they can support you in your new paradigm of thinking. Create a group around you that support you.

Unwanted emotions, those we avoid and work to change can be released when we come to know that we have a tight grip on them. A young child being told to let go of his fear and leap from the high dive, is holding as tightly as he can to the emotion of fear for it is the only thing he has that keeps him from making that jump. It is his only security. Consider releasing unwanted emotions. It is our tightly held grip on our emotions which keep the unwanted aspects of our reality in place. You can accelerate you ability to release unwanted emotions, I highly recommend using the iCap biofeedback device.

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