sexuality health

Sunday 23 August 2009

3 Common Mental Barriers to Weight Loss and How They Sabotage You

Mental barriers to weight loss will sabotage your progress much quicker than a hot fudge sundae. They are those quiet little suggestions we hear inside our head that start out quite harmless and then build until we are faced with a seemingly insurmountable craving. This article looks at three common mental barriers to weight loss and why you need to be prepared for them before they strike.

1. All-or-Nothing. This mental barrier is quite common yet you might not even know you fall victim to it. It is that mental state that says, "I either eat very little food or I eat a ton of food." There is no in-between when it comes to the All-or-Nothing mindset. This mindset will cause you to routinely sabotage your hard work. If you are one to start a diet strong yet end in a binge that seems to come out of thin air, then you might fit this category.

2. Anxiety, fear and stress these emotions result in very common mental barriers. We have learned that it is not always appropriate to express our emotions so instead of letting our feeling out, we suppress them and bury them deep inside. The problem with this is that as more and more feelings get suppressed we become more and more uncomfortable, we need a break, we need to blow off some steam and how do we do that? One way is to eat. Eating tranquilizes the uncomfortable feelings we have inside.

When you feel a build up of anxiety or any uncomfortable feeling, take one step back, take a breathe, label the emotion as best you can and instead of pushing the feeling down, allow yourself to feel it fully then ask yourself if you can let it go. You will be surprised how easy this is.

3. It's just not meant to be. Many of us get stuck in the mentality that weight loss or living at a comfortable weight was just not meant to be for their lifetime. You might think it was your fate to be fat. This is simply not true, your body wants to move freely and easily and a fit body will allow that to happen. Lose this mindset in order to reach your goal.

These common mental barriers to weight loss are what hold most people back from the body they want and deserve. Begin today to start recognizing how your mindset is affecting your ability to lose.



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