sexuality health

Monday 2 March 2009

Cure For Hemorrhoids - End the Pain & Embarrassment Now With the Right Treatment

What Exactly Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are basically the same thing as varicose veins, but they are found in your anus. They usually hurt, bleed, and itch. They are very common. About 50% to 75% of all Americans will suffer from this condition sometime in their lives. And while it's not quite as common in other cultures, they pretty much happen anywhere there are humans.

Who Do Hemorrhoids Affect?

Hemorrhoids are pretty non discriminatory. They can happen to anyone at anytime, but are far more common as we get older. Pregnant woman are also prone to develop hemorrhoids, and there is evidence that the tendency to get hemorrhoids runs in families.

What Is The Cure For Hemorrhoids

Knowing how to treat hemorrhoids effectively can be challenging. They are really uncomfortable and often itch and bleed. They are also embarrassing and most people don't feel comfortable talking about them with friends or even doctors. So how do you find a cure?

There Are Three Basic Ways To Treat Hemorrhoids

Option #1

Things you can buy at the pharmacy. These include ointments and suppositories like Tucks and Preparation H. These types of options can treat hemorrhoids, but don't cure them. They will work to ease your discomfort, but can't keep them from coming back.

Option #2

There are surgeries to remove hemorrhoids. Before you proceed with surgery, carefully consider your options. Read the results of others who have had surgery. Many people have found that surgery doesn't solve hemorrhoid problems forever.

Option #3

Natural and homeopathic remedies. As will all remedies like this they vary widely in quality and effectiveness. There are a few however that are very effective. The best ones treat your hemorrhoids both internally and externally. This way you can get immediate relief plus a permanent cure for your hemorrhoids.



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