sexuality health

Friday 27 March 2009

Breathe Easy - Combat Asthma and Allergies in the Home

Living with an asthmatic and allergy sufferer you learn that there are certain do's and don'ts around that house that can make life significantly easier for those suffering these unfortunate ailments. The advice and tips offered in this article will not only help allergy sufferers and asthmatics, but will help promote a more healthy environment for everyone in the home.
While we can't always control what we're exposed to outside the house, we do have considerably more control over our own homes. Areas that can be improved upon range from design features to simply choosing more appropriate cleaning products. Even the smallest of positive changes around the home will help to improve the quality of the air we breathe.

Solvent-based paints are the worst kind for allergy sufferers, and for the general health of all concerned. These paints emit toxins long after they are dry and the odour is apparently gone. They contain VOC's - Volatile Organic Compounds.
Acrylic (or water-based) paints tend to give off far less fumes and toxic odours than their oil-based counterparts. Low volatile organic compound emission paints are also a good choice.
Although the finish isn't quite as pristine, use an acrylic gloss for doors, windows and trimmings rather than the traditional oil-based ones. Take advantage of organic oils for finishing wood products instead of chemical-based stains.
The Resene and Wattyl paint companies have excellent ranges of quality, environmentally-friendly, hypo-allergenic paint products to choose from.

Floor Coverings
Dust and allergens tend to accumulate best on flat surfaces, and there is no greater flat surface in the home than the floor.
The best choice of floor coverings for asthma sufferers and general good health is to tile the floors. The less rugs and carpet around the better, as these tend to be chronic dust collectors no matter how clean you are or how often you vacuum.
Parquetry and cork flooring is also another good choice. Wooden floors are natural and look beautiful. However, they should be coated and sealed with a product that isn't solvent-based, or any class 2 carcinogenic Toluene Diisocyanate, TDI products. A good selection of paint to choose from is the Berger Breathe Easy paint range.
Conversely, having all hard and bare floors can be rather clinical and anything but cosy, especially in the winter months. If rugs or carpets must be used, then rugs with a tight weave and short pile are less likely to trap as much dust and dirt. Wool carpets are definitely a healthier choice than their synthetic counterparts.

Furniture Materials
When it comes to allergies and healthy choices, we sometimes tend to forget about furnishings, their coatings and the materials they are made of.
Naturally occurring materials are often the best choice. Fabrics made of cotton, wool, hemp and leather. Materials that are non-chemically treated. Although not a naturally occurring substance, vinyl is a favourable choice as it doesn't emit toxins and has no open weave in the material in which to collect dust and pollutants.
Wooden furniture should be coated in natural oils rather than varnishes and solvent-based stains. Metal furniture or furniture with metal framing is also a feasible choice. Metals such as stainless steel and chrome are the optimum choice. Avoid bare metals and wrought iron, or any metal that requires rust treating.
Glass surfaces for table tops and coffee tables are free of toxins, don't trap dust, are non-pollutant and easy to keep clean with natural products such as water and vinegar.
The bedroom is very important room to take into consideration when striving for a low allergen home. So much time is spent in this room.
Regularly shake the dust out of blankets and adopt a frequent wash cycle for bed linen.
Good quality, hypo-allergenic bedding can be somewhat more expensive, however it's definitely worth the money in the long run when it comes to feeling healthy. Latex mattresses and pillows are a far better alternative to synthetic fibres and padding. Apart from the health benefits, they also tend to be more comfortable and maintain their shape and composure over a long period of time. In the long run, quality bedroom furniture will prove more cost-effective as it will last longer. And who can measure the cost benefits of ones health?

Air Purifiers
The home is constantly being invaded by pollens, dust mites, mildew and various other dust-related, airborne pollutants. These pollutants in the air can prove very detrimental to the health of asthmatics, and can be a cause of irritation to everyone.
Air purifiers are an excellent way to filter out much of these pollutants and airborne impurities. There are several quality models on the market that are also energy-efficient to run.
They operate by not only filtering out the dust and pollen particles from the air. Integrated into the purifier is also a system of naturally occurring substances that actually break down the pollutants as they cleanse the air before returning the purified air to the room.
A decent air purifier is moderately priced considering the health benefits it provide. Asthma sufferers should definitely have one in their bedroom, and probably one in the living area as well.

A good, constant supply of fresh air is imperative. Kitchens and bathrooms should be equipped with air vents in the ceiling to expel the build up of cooking odours and steam.
Open plan homes tend to offer the best ventilation. If your home isn't very open, then try to have the doors and windows open as much as possible. However, having the doors and windows screened is important. Screens don't just keep out annoying flies and pests, they also tend to work as dust filters. It's important to keep the screens clean. Vacuum them regularly. A small portable car vacuum is often handy for this purpose.
Ceiling fans are good for stirring up the air and keeping us cool, but they are also chronic dust havens. The fan blades must be cleaned frequently, probably once a week in summer. This will go a long way in preventing fans from spreading dust around the house. The same rule also applies to pedestal and desk fans.
Filters an air conditioners should also be cleaned on a regular basis.
An added point: Under no circumstances should anyone smoke inside.

Curtains and Blinds
Window dressing is another good source of dust and pollutant accumulation. If you suffer from allergies, avoid horizontal blinds at all costs, especially the wooden variety. All those flat surfaces to collect dust. Not to mention the headache to keep them clean. Vertical blinds are a far better option.
In the case of conventional curtains, select cotton or hemp materials and wash them regularly to remove pollutant build-up. Roman blinds not only look stylish in modern homes, but many of them are made from allergen-free materials these days.

House plants are the most natural way to purify the air we breathe in the home. Plants convert carbon dioxide back into oxygen. Like a natural air purifier, they trap and absorb many pollutants. Not only do they promote good health, they look great as well.
Some good indoor plants to consider:
§ Aglaonema
§ Bird of Paradise
§ Dracaena
§ Kentia Palm
§ Philodendron
§ Poinsettia
§ Rhapis Palm
§ Spathiphyllum
§ Yucca
§ Zanadu
It's probably a good idea to avoid freshly cut flowers. The pollens they release are a nightmare for hay fever and allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Obviously there will be occasions when flowers are an expected gift. In this case, be sure to dispose of them before they start to decay and drop buds and pollen everywhere.

Unfortunately pets can often be a great cause of allergies in us humans. If you are an asthmatic or allergy sufferer and you have a pet that you are allergic to, then you have a problem.
Generally though, sufferers won't own a pet that they are obviously allergic to. Pet hair from cats and dogs can be an irritation though. Therefore pets must be groomed with regular washes, and even more regular brushing to eradicate some of that moulting problem.

Cleaning Products
The products used to clean the furniture, glass and floors in our homes is a very important point to consider when striving to obtain and maintain a healthy internal living environment.
A good rule of thumb is to select products made from naturally occurring, organic ingredients. Solvents, acids and bleach should be avoided as much as possible.
Using vinegar mixed with water to clean glass surfaces is a great way to keep the air pure. Steam cleaning carpets and floors is another healthy alternative to vacuuming and detergent-based carpet cleaning. A good quality vacuum cleaner with excellent filtration is very important, as some vacuum cleaners tend to blow some of the dust sucked up back into the air, creating an even worse situation.
The simplest method of all for dusting is to use a damp cloth so the dust is collected (without the aid of chemicals), rather that stirred up into the air.
A very useful website for cleaning products for asthma sufferers is:

Other Useful Tips
Regularly clean the lint filters in washing machines and clothes dryers. When using a clothes dryer, keep the doors to the room it is situated in closed while the dryer is operating to minimise the spread of dust and lint.
Always use non-allergen air fresheners. There is a good range of these on the market today as manufacturers' awareness of allergies and the environment is at an all-time high.
Scent-free, hypo-allergenic tissues is also a healthy and smart choice.
With regards to wardrobes and walk-in robes, always keep the doors shut when not in use. This will help to avoid a build up of pollutants on clothing, not to mention keeping them cleaner and smelling fresher.
One final tip. Try to avoid cluttering surfaces with too many ornaments and knick knacks. These not only aid dust built up, they also make it more difficult to keep these flat surfaces clean. The 'less is more' principal is a good one to keep in mind when it comes to asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
We can't avoid every pollutant and speck of dust in the world, but applying just a few of the principals in this article will go a long way to helping everyone breathe easier in the home.

The advice and tips offered in this article will not only help allergy sufferers and asthmatics, but will help promote a more healthy environment for everyone in the home.

About The Author:
Born in Sydney, Australia, Darren G. Burton has been writing for more than 20 years. He has written numerous full length works of fiction and non-fiction. In addition to his books, he has had many articles and short stories published in major Australian and international publications.

His books are available at:

Need to Stop Sweat Becoming a Problem?

Sweating is an unpleasant, but necessary part of life. Sweating helps your body to cool down and control its temperature and for most people this only noticeably happens when the weather is really hot or they are doing something really active. There are some unlucky people who sweat lots even when they are in cold rooms and not doing anything remotely active. When you sweat like this and it is starting to interfere with your life you need to stop sweat from becoming an even bigger problem for you.

It can be hard when you have a problem with sweating to pluck up the courage to go to your doctor's about it, but your doctor will have seen it all before. Often your doctor will be able to advise you of the best way to stop sweat being such an issue in your life. If you feel that you would like to find a way to stop sweat at home that is fine too.

One way of doing this can be to make changes in your diet and avoid food and drinks that for many people make them sweat more. This could be highly spiced foods, salt, sugar, alcohol, caffeine or even processed foods - everyone is different and can find different sweat inducing food and drinks. You might also want to consider losing a few pounds as excess weight can really add to your sweating problem and make it ten times worse. Many people who sweat too much, find that losing weight can really help them to overcome their problem, and make them feel much better in the process. These are just a few of the ways that you can try to stop sweat from taking over your life and becoming a very real and very embarrassing problem for you in your daily life.

Sunday 22 March 2009

Essential Oil through History

The ancient art of aromatherapy is becoming more popular in modern times for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. For thousands of years people have recognised the beneficial properties of certain plants and natural substances to human health and well being.

One of the earliest known cultures to use essential oil products were the ancient Egyptians. It is thought that a number of plant extracts and natural oils were used in the process of embalming mummies. The oils were used for several reasons in everyday life for these people; they were used for religious as well as for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Aromatic plants have probably been used for a variety of purposes by human beings long before recorded history. In China, Persia and many other countries, the concept of using plant extracts and oils is also recorded many hundreds of years ago.

In Greece, Hippocrates (c. 460 -370 BC) was a believer that holistic treatments were greatly beneficial, and aromatherapy massages are said to have been used at this point. At this time people from many other countries and cultures are thought to have been making use of naturally derived extracts for all sorts of reasons.

During the Dark Ages monks were often the only people who could freely practice herbalism for much of the time. Others who attempted to make cures and remedies were often accused of witchcraft and faced dire consequences. The once respected village wise women were often shunned by a people who had been told terrible stories by witch finders and lived in fear of spells and curses. Aromatic plants were still used to prevent insect bites and as perfume. There is some debate as to how hygiene conscious people were in this era, but perfume was probably desirable in either scenario. By the Renaissance herbalism had been revived to an extent, and the ancient knowledge kept alive by the minority through the Dark Ages became popular once again.

Despite this amazing history of the use of extracts from plants in essential oil, the term 'aromatherapy' was not coined until 1937. The man behind this word was Rene Maurice Gattefosse, he was interested in the properties that were displayed by plant extracts and how this may benefit medicine. He performed a number of experiments to test ancient theories regarding the therapeutic value of different plants. During the Second World War, Dr Jean Valnet is said to have used therapeutic essential oil in the treatment of wounded soldiers, which helped to save the lives of many.

Austrian born Marguerite Maury began diluting essential oils in vegetable oil 'carriers' in the 1950s. She used these mixed oils for massage and found that a number of her patients reported they slept better and experienced less pain after the massage.

Although many people today are unaware of much of the knowledge about herbalism that has been passed from one generation to the next since time immemorial, there is a growing interest in the subject. People are still able to benefit from natural remedies through aromatherapy and massage.

For further information, please visit

If you are looking for Essential oils, then take a look at our exclusive range on the website - the perfect way to a healthier you.

We are dedicated to providing high quality Essential Oils and aromatherapy supplies at competitive prices and all of our essential oils are 100% pure and unadulterated, many of which are Pure English Essential Oils, locally grown and distilled.To explore our range of Essential Oils, please visit our website at


Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis - 3 Days to Permanent Relief

It is observed that the long-term oral or intravaginal treatment does not prevent the recurrence of the disease.
 Therefore, it is a common belief that there are no cures for bacterial vaginosis. Apart from the women suffering from the disease, the male partners also got the treatment with antibiotics. However, this did not stop the disease from recurring in the affected women. In such a discouraging situation, you can get the answer in alternative treatment.    

The main symptoms of the disease are the increased white discharge from the vagina, which coats the vaginal periphery with disgusting smell. Because of the growth of bacteria, which causes the disease, there is a diminution of the level of hydrogen peroxide, which normally constitutes the vaginal flora. That causes the unpleasant smell. The STD risk factors considerably increase with multiple sex partners or a new sex partner. Again, there is a more serious factors involved like premature delivery or sudden abortion in a pregnant woman.    

The prescription drugs hardly ever go to the root of the problem, putting the sufferer at greater health risks. Moreover, the side effects of such drugs make the treatment unpleasant without any permanent relief. Therefore, natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are here to help you relieve the complaint finally. The good news is that the ingredients of these cures are readily available everywhere and are so cheap and most of which are already available at your home. Moreover, these cures are safe and effective. These cures give permanent relief by restoring the equilibrium between the bacteria causing the disease and the bacteria, which help your immune system to maintain health.


Home Remedies to Cure Gout - Is Grandmas Way the Best?

It is normal for most individuals to want to find natural and home remedies to cure gout. Gout is a horribly painful condition that no one want to suffer from. Once you have had your first attack of gout you will be ready to take even drastic measures to eliminate the possibilities of ever having to deal with that much pain again. Let's take a look at some of the 'good ol' remedies Grandma would have forced you to try.

Grandma's Recipes for Pain Relief

1. When you begin to feel the onset of a gout attack you should take some ibuprofen. This will ease the pain for you, however if you wait too long it more than likely is not going to subside the pain enough for you.

2. Bust out the reliable multi-purpose Epsom Salt. You should soak the area that is in pain in a solution of warm water and Epsom Salt. For the most part the pain will be drastically minimized and even conquered after soaking for a short time in the mixture.

3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Preferably you should drink 10 8 oz. glasses everyday. This will help you to flush all toxins from your system and eliminate the existing high level of uric acids.

4. Grab yourself a bowl of cherries and chow down. Eat at least one serving of cherries everyday to reduce the uric acid in your body. This reduction will limit the crystallized deposits from forming on around your joints.

5. Eat more fruits and veggies, such as those that are high in vitamin C. Apparently, vitamin C is directly linked to reducing inflammations.

6. Apply cold packs in intervals when you are in pain. It might be uncomfortable at first, but if you can handle it you will soon be pain free. Thanks to the numbing of the ice or ice pack. Leave the ice on the location that is in pain for about 15 minutes and then take it off. Reapply every half hour as needed.

Using home remedies to cure gout is a great way for you to limit the pain without having to take medications. Quite a few people prefer to use home remedies instead of taking the medications because they are not willing to take medicine because of the possible side effects they could suffer from. Before you begin using any home remedies you should discuss them with your doctor first.

It is normal for most individuals to want to find natural and home remedies to cure gout. Gout is a horribly painful condition that no one want to suffer from.


Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Treatment - 3 Days Cure

In general, women are not aware of the bacterial vaginosis natural treatment. Therefore, they suffer longer under the treatment of their physician which only temporarily alleviates the symptoms. In 50% of the cases, there are no symptoms, which mean that women suffering from this disease even do not consult their physician.

In 70% of the cases, it is mistaken for yeast infection. The disease has already run its course and become chronic by the time it is diagnosed. Even if it were diagnosed early, long term recurrence is distressingly common even after oral or intravaginal treatment. No data on vaginal or oral preparations is available for the treatment or prevention of the recurrence of the disease. 

Your doctor who knows what is best for you, very often prescribes antibiotics to combat the rash in the vagina, excessive oozing of fluid and fishy smell with many side effects and no permanent relief. The disease returns with more severity in 30% of the cases after the treatment is stopped by your physician i.e. its symptoms get worse each time it recurs. 

On the other hand, bacterial vaginosis natural treatment has no side effects and it is the only safe and fast way to cure the disease. You start feeling the relief on the very first day and in a few days the disease is permanently gone.  It goes to the root of the problem and eradicates the bad bacteria which caused the disease and tends to promote the growth of good bacteria to help your immune system to stop the growth of bad bacteria again. It repairs the imbalances in your vital dynamis, i.e. the vital force in your body to fight the disease by removing the causes of the disease permanently.


Quick Fix for Gout - Send the Pain Packing with These 6 Tips

Gout is a medical condition that can be controlled with dietary changes. However, controlling the gout is not a guarantee. In many cases, a person will still experience an attack with gout. These attacks generally come on in the middle of the night, waking the person up.

Without warning you are in excruciating pain. All you really want is to make the pain go away. When you are looking for a quick fix for gout, you need to think back to what your grandmother would have told you to do. Here are a few tips to help you get back to sleep after a bout with gout.

1. Ice it. Put an icepack or cold compress on the joint that is bothering you. Sometimes this can be more uncomfortable in the beginning, however the ice will numb the area and the pain will subside. Do not be mislead into thinking this is going to happen within the first few seconds, but it will work within the first 20 minutes or less.

2. Alternate between the cold compress and heat if necessary. This will decrease the inflammation and relive the pain in many cases. However, if using only the ice is working for you, there is no need to try something else.

3. Do you remember that white box in your Grandmother's bathroom? If your feet are causing you the discomfort you can put some warm water in a bucket or in the tub add some Epsom salt and soak. this takes away the intensity of the pain and relieves the swelling in a short period of time. This can be used on any body part that has gout. Although, it might be a little awkward to soak some body parts.

5. The next quick fix might cause you more discomfort, but you can always try moving the joint that is in pain. Keeping the range of motion is important in beating gout attacks. However, with severe attacks you can skip this quick fix.

6. An over the counter pain reliever might also prove to be a quick fix for you. Although, you need to first have the approval of your doctor before you take any medications.

Finding a quick fix for gout pain is not too difficult. you can find lists all over the internet to help you. Keep in mind when you are searching for a quick fix that works for you, that you acknowledge the fact that just because it worked for someone else does not mean it will work for you. Once you find a quick fix for gout that works for you, stick with it.

Without warning you are in excruciating pain. All you really want is to make the pain go away. When you are looking for a quick fix for gout, you need to think back to what your grandmother would have told you to do. Here are a few tips to help you get back to sleep after a bout with gout.


Sunday 15 March 2009

Asthma Attack - What Three Things Happen Before You Know You Are Having One

Asthma attacks are very common in the US. 30,000 people go through this potentially serious and many times scary event every day. And about four hundred people die every year from asthma.

So what causes an asthma attack or even what is asthma? The airways between your mouth/nose and lungs are overly sensitive to one or more things when you have asthma. These things are called your asthma triggers and can be anything such as dust mites, molds, pollen, smoke, certain foods, weather, weather changes, stress etc.

Coming into contact with any of these triggers causes bad things to happen to your airways. This is the first step toward having an asthma attack. Here are the 3 bad things that can happen:

1. Your airways have linings on the inside which become swollen and very irritable. This leaves less room for air to get back and forth to your lungs when you breathe. It also causes you to cough.

2. The muscles around the outsides of your airways start to get real tight. They try to squeeze your airways shut. This makes your airways smaller, which means that there is even less room for air to get through to your lungs.

3. The insides of your airways start to fill with what I call gunk or what others might call mucus or phlegm. This starts to plug up your already small airways which makes it even harder to breathe. Every time you cough, some of this gunk comes out.

Every asthma attack you have can be different. So sometimes those 3 bad things can be very mild and other times they can be very severe. They might also happen very slowly one time and very quickly another time.

How long those things last can also be different every time. Getting away from your triggers might stop them, but sometimes they can last for days.

Those 3 things are all happening to your airways or breathing tubes. Once they start to get bad enough, then you will start to have what are called your typical asthma symptoms. When we think of an asthma attack, we normally think of these things on the following list:

1. Coughing - with your now irritated and sensitive airways, you will be coughing quite a bit. And all that gunk or mucus will be coming up when you do cough.

2. Wheezing - this is sort of a whistling sound, usually when you breathe out. This is from your airways being much smaller than normal.

3. Tightness in the chest - this can sometimes be painful also. It is from the muscles around your airways getting so tight.

4. Shortness of breath - you just can't take a normal breath while those 3 things are happening.

When those 3 things happening to your airways are bad, then these asthma symptoms will also get bad. When these symptoms get real bad you might not be able to breathe at all. The medications in your emergency asthma inhaler try to reduce your symptoms so that you can breathe normally again.

Asthma symptoms are pretty much the same for all asthma types except for cough variant asthma. With this type of asthma, your only symptom will be a very bad cough. And this cough will be a dry cough with none of the gunk being present.

It can also be a very loud cough that is sometimes referred to as a barking cough. And the worst thing is that this cough can sometimes last for weeks. Because there are no other asthma symptoms present, this type of asthma often goes undiagnosed.

Knowing what is happening during an asthma attack should help you to keep from panicking. Getting stressed out can make your symptoms even worse. It is important to do what you can to help someone who is having an attack to try and stay as relaxed as possible.

If you notice that your asthma inhaler isn't helping you breathe and your other symptoms aren't getting any better either, then you might be having an acute asthma attack. If that happens, then it is very important that you seek immediate medical attention. Don't wait and hope that it will get better. An acute asthma attack is so serious that without immediate medical attention death can result.

Find out what an asthma attack really is and what causes it. Learn about the things that start happening in your body before you know that you are having an attack. You will also learn what asthma symptoms and asthma triggers are.

You've learned that an asthma attack can be a very serious and sometimes life threatening situation. You've also learned what is happening to your airways during an attack.
Your next step is to find out how you can use natural asthma treatments and remedies to put an end your asthma attacks for good.
Bob Hughes has put together a website where you can learn everything you need to know about asthma including the natural treatments to cure your asthma at:


Do I Have to Be Tall to Jump Higher?

This is the most common question asked by aspiring basketball players. And the most common and perhaps the most flawed answer given is "Yes". And I say RUBBISH to that.

Let's go through this logically. If you are 6 foot tall, then to reach up to grab a book from the top shelf of a 7 foot bookshelf won't be hard. Yes, you may have to stretch your hand up a few inches, but it certainly won't be taxing. But the important thing to note is that you are not jumping, you are merely stretching. If you are 5 foot tall, then you may have to jump to get to that book on the top shelf. Let's explore this further - I'm sure you have heard of James LeBron and Spud Webb?

James LeBron - standing at 6'8'' and 250 lbs, has a 41 inch vertical.

Spud Webb - He was one of the shortest players in the NBA, standing only 5'7", yet he won the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 1986. He had an amazing vertical of 42 inches!

So we have a 5'7" player with a longer vertical than that of a player of height 6'8"! I think you get the picture now. You don't need height to jump higher.

Definition 1: Vertical leaps require force to push you off the ground. Note, not HEIGHT but FORCE.

If we were to explore through this further, we would arrive at the following conclusion: Jumping high can be attributed to:


Importantly, one requires all three to condition into an all rounded athlete.

POWER: Focus on strength training, specifically AROUND the quads and calves. Squats hops, depth jumps, thrust ups, deadlifts and reverse toe raises and such are examples. What we're trying to do here is to strengthen the shin and hamstring muscles. Note - we're not strengthening the muscles that we normally associate with increasing our vertical jump like the calf muscle or quad muscles, but on the contrary, the muscles around these. The reason for this is the major jumping muscles will not produce their max capable power unless their opposite muscle is strong enough to handle it.
It is very important to have a dedicated schedule over a period of a few weeks just on strengthening your muscle groups.

SPEED: Focus on cardiovascular exercises here, specifically high intensity cardio like sprints. Another good exercise is jumping rope. Not only does it give you some cardio exercise but it uses some of the muscles needed for jumping.

When all your muscles are stronger they complement each other and with the combination of your new found speed, you will begin to really feel the difference.

TECHNIQUE: Now you need to focus specifically on exercises that purely focus on the vertical - dynamic step overs, split scissor jumps. Work on your footwork, get the right balance between your power and speed.

Continue focussing on your POWER, SPEED and TECHNIQUE until you get to your optimal vertical. Good luck.


Endometriosis Part 119-Endometriosis and Vitamin E

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know, nutritional supplements play a very important role in treating all kinds of diseases. In this article, we will discuss how Vitamin E helps to treat endometriosis.

I. Definition
Since vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, it can be stored in our body and we don't require to take it regularly. It is best known for its powerful antioxidant property.

II. The effects of Vitamin E in women with Endometriosis
a) Immune system
Since vitamin E is an antioxidant, it helps to increase liver function in fighting the forming of free radicals, abnormal cells and cancers. In endometriosis, it prevents the growth of abnormal endometrial to form implants and adhesion in other parts of the body excluding the endometrium.

b) Cell protection
Since vitamin E protects the fatty acid against degradation in the human body, it helps to prevent against the oxidation in cell membranes and cellular regions resulting in protecting against the breaking off of the capillary wall causing heavy blood flow during menstruation.

c) Red blood cells
Deficiency of vitamin E in women with endometriosis were also found to have anemia. It is caused by the faster than normal aging of red blood cells because of oxidative destruction of red blood cells.

d) Nervous system
Since we already known that vitamin E is essential for increasing the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen in the circulation system, it helps to nourish the brain cells fighting against symptoms of endometriosis such as mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

e) Hormone imbalance
Deficiency of vitamin E also interferes with normal functions of thyroid and pituitary glands causing the increase of levels of fatty acids resulting in endometrial menstrual cramps which in turn result in the over-production of certain prostaglandin hormones.

Since vitamin E is an antioxidant, it helps to increase liver function in fighting the forming of free radicals, abnormal cells and cancers. In endometriosis, it prevents the growth of abnormal endometrial to form implants and adhesion in other parts of the body excluding the endometrium.

For the best tips to find a best endometriosis selh help treatment program


How to Get Taller Naturally - Top 7 Useful Tips on Growing Taller Naturally

Do you wish you could get taller? Well, if you are still going through puberty it can be done. But, what if you are an adult? You can still add 1-2 inches of height, but you need to know some important things. It's not possible to lengthen your bones after the growth plates are closed, unless you go through surgery. The only thing you can do is to use special exercises and fix the curvatures in your spine, which rob you of extra height.

Here are 7 proven tips to get taller naturally:

  1. Get a good night's sleep: during sleep your body produces human growth hormones. You need to go to bed early and at the same time every night.
  2. Include certain foods in your diet: some examples are: milk, because it contains calcium, eggs and fish because they are high in protein and also legumes.
  3. Eliminate foods that stunt your growth: avoid refined sugar, coffee, simple carbohydrates like white bread and of course junk food.
  4. Start taking supplements: supplements that include amino acid glycine can stimulate the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), especially if you take them before working out.
  5. Eat small meals instead of large ones: eating large meals causes the production of large amounts of insulin, which inhibits the release of HGH.
  6. Change the way you dress: this will not actually make you taller, but will give the illusion of height. Start wearing clothes with vertical pinstripes and clothes of the same color. Also, correct your posture and sit up straight with your head up.
  7. Do a lot of exercises: swimming, hanging and sprint bursts can help you grow faster, but you really need to incorporate special stretching exercises into your daily workouts. These exercises will make your bones healthy and strong and will enhance your growth.


What Type Of Supplements You Should Take To Gain Weight

In the world of gaining weight, people are always in debates what are the best supplements to gain weight fast, easy, and healthy. There are those who stick to the traditional routines such as workouts and proper diet while there are also those that rely on more conventional ways such as the use of weight gain supplements to ensure that they are getting what they need to gain some more weight.

Experts say that both ways -the traditional and the conventional ways-could work if a person really wants for gain weight. However, certain guidelines must be followed religiously to ensure that there will be no complications in the future.

Why use weight gain supplements?

Before, the only people that are into weight gain supplements are those who are so much into body building. In fact, majority of the best supplements to gain available in the market were made especially for those that make bodybuilding as a life and as a career. These supplements are being used by the bodybuilders especially if they have upcoming competitions. But, as time went by, people-even those who are not into body building-have been trying various gain weight supplements because they believe that gaining weight is one of the easiest way to achieve a firm and sexy body. So, what they do is take up some of the best supplements for weight gain and enroll to a gym or fitness center that offer rigorous workouts.

Through regular workout and physical activities, people who have gained weight can lose some the way they want it to be.

If you are one of those who are looking forward to gaining weight to achieve the society's ideal physique, then you should try using weight gain supplements. Weight gain supplements are those that being use by people to complement or boost their weight gain. These may come in forms of beverages, tablets, and the like.

In the market today, some of the best supplements to gain weight include weight gainers which are usually protein shakes that provide sufficient supply of calories in the body, spectrum flaxseed oil which is high in Omega 3 good for having enough supply of essential fatty acids (EFAs) in the body, multi-vitamin and mineral packs that helps converts the food to vitamins and minerals readily absorbed by the body's tissues and hormones, creatine which enables the reuse of the body's stored energy and shows results as soon as possible.

Glutamine that helps increase a person's muscular volume by enhancing the immune system, liver tablets came from high grade beef liver which is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, and testosterone boosting supplements that works well for people who are way beyond hormonal production.

Before buying

Experts say that that best supplements to gain weight are those types that can help a person reach the target calorie intake everyday. To avoid using products that can cause you side effects in the future, make sure that you:

- Read the label of the supplement thoroughly to ensure that you know that ingredients from what you are about to take.

- Consult your physician about it before you finally buy and use it to make sure that you know how much of these supplements should you take.

- Conduct a research what to look for in a weight gain supplement and where to find the best supplements to gain weight on the market today.

In the world of gaining weight, people are always in debates what are the best supplements to gain weight fast, easy, and healthy. There are those who stick to the traditional routines such as workouts and proper diet while there are also those that rely on more conventional ways such as the use of weight gain


Is There Evidence That Water Fountains Provide Health Benefits?

Some people believe that water fountains are practical decorations that yield a host of health benefits. Some believe that wall fountains may fight disease, others insist that a well-placed fountain can enhance cognitive function. but is there any truth in this? Sure, fountains are charming and effective decorations, and they certainly add character to a home, but how beneficial can they really be?

The problem with these claims is that there is not a lot of hard evidence to support them. The unfortunate thing is that very few impartial studies have been conducted over the years, and those that do often get very little publicity or merit in the scientific community. Some experiments have been conducted, however, that show that there is in fact a correlation between wall fountains and personal health. Water fountains may not exactly cause better health, but something about them at least seems to improve a person's overall well being. Let's examine some of the "health claims" regarding water fountains.

Some people laud the importance of "negative ions," which are produced by water fountains, and say that these particles improve general respiratory function and strengthen your body's immune system against certain diseases and mental issues." These negative ions are in fact not ions at all. They are actually a number of negatively charged oxygen and/or nitrogen molecules that are surrounded by water molecules. Studies have shown that these "ions" don't actively clean the air, nor do they produce any great benefits. However, the negatively charged particles in negative ions tend to attract (and subsequently bond to) bioaerosols and dust particles in the air. This dampens these potentially harmful particles, weighing them down until they literally drop to the floor. This does limit the antagonistic effects of common air pollution, which theoretically could lead to improved breathing and air cleanliness. While direct evidence is a little lacking, anecdotally negative ions actually do seem to improve air cleanliness, especially in contained spaces. An indoor wall fountain may subtly enhance the breathability of the air in your office or at home.

It has also been suggested that a wall water fountain "enhances concentration" and reduces stress. Again, there have not been many scientific studies to confirm this, though anecdotes abound. Naturopathic medicine, which emphasizes natural cures for common ailments, implies that sitting by a waterfall, or even an active water fountain, may be effective treatment. Some evidence exists that implies some water fountains may facilitate clear thinking and general mental satisfaction, although listening to a fountain while breathing in the fresh air may not immediately enhance your cognitive capabilities. As previously suggested, these "ions" do have a proclivity for removing malicious airborne agents and bioaerosols from your air, and simultaneously producing more oxygen particles. This means that your brain will be allowed more oxygen with every breath you take, which in turn may mildly improve awareness. In terms of stress relief, I feel that wall fountains are absolutely effective at relaxing a busy mind. Natural sounds have a soothing affect on the mind, in a similar fashion to classical music or gentle lullabies. It is not uncommon for business owners to put wall fountains in their office, as this seems to slightly improve employee morale and alleviate stress. I believe that this correlative relationship is fairly assuring, even if it is evident that no "causal" relationship actually exists.

So it seems that, while the boasts and claims made by fountain manufacturers and online salespersons may not be completely without veracity, they do tend to be deficient in formal scientific proof. But there does seem to be an anecdotal precedent for a correlative relationship between water fountain ownership and overall improved health. It may not totally prevent disease, and it certainly isn't a cure, but a good wall fountain may help improve your health and peace of mind in a general way (plus, they look really great).


Do You Know If You Have Diabetes

People who are prone to diabetes-especially those who have the disease in their family's history-should consider that there is a great possibility that they or their kids might inherit the illness. So, the best way to go about it is become very informed about the condition. The following are some the things that people who are prone to diabetes must consider:

1. TYPE OF DIABETES. Experts say that the severity of diabetes can be determined through its types including "type 1diabetes" also known as "juvenile diabetes" or "insulin-dependent diabetes" which is an auto-immune type targeting the body's immune system and the least common type; the "type 2 diabetes" also known as "non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" or "adult-onset diabetes" which is affects the amount of insulin produced in the person's body, and "gestational diabetes" which is common among women who are conceiving or pregnant.

2. SYMPTOMS. To know if you are suffering from diabetes or not, knowing the symptoms for each type would help you a lot. Those who suffering from type 1diabetes would experience 1diabetes exceptional thirstiness, dryness of mouth despite taking in lots of fluid, the urgent need to urinate more often, drastic loss of weight even is they are eating fairly well, exhaustion or feeling of being weak or tired despite less workload, and blurring of vision in most occasions. For type 2 diabetes, sufferers experience often blurring of vision, wounds, sores, or cuts that takes a long time to heal, itchiness of skin in many parts of the body, frequent development of yeast infections, increased or onset thirst, drying of mouth, frequent urination, and mild to extreme leg pains. Gestational diabetes symptoms are also alike with other types it's just that they are short termed because the disease ends once the woman gives birth. However, people who have this type of diabetes should be more careful because it can lead to type 2 if not monitored and treated immediately.

3. DIAGNOSIS. For a person to finally know whether he or she suffers from diabetes, tests for diagnosis are a must. Although the symptoms can give you a hint whether you are suffering from the illness or not, relying on these are not enough. Experts say that only way to confirm if one has diabetes or not is to get a test. Now, there are so many types of tests that one can get including:

- fasting plasma glucose test which, is considered as the most preferred test for people with diabetes and requires a person to go fasting at least eight hours or ideally the night before the test to ensure that the blood sample that will be drawn and examined for glucose levels is accurate;

- random blood glucose test which, unlike the Fasting Plasma Glucose test, doesn't require fasting but the blood samples should be drawn out immediately after the person has eaten or has drunk something;

- oral glucose tolerance test which requires the person to fast not less than 8 hours and prohibits him or her to smoke cigar and drink coffee before drawing the blood sample for the testing;

- glucose challenge test is for women who are prone to gestational diabetes when they are pregnant;

- impaired fasting glucose test which is considered as a new diagnostic category for people with diabetes. Here, blood sugar levels are and can determine the probability of the person to have diabetes.

People who are prone to diabetes-especially those who have the disease in their family's history-should consider that there is a great possibility that they or their kids might inherit the illness. So, the best way to go about it is become very informed about the condition. The following are some the things that


Saturday 14 March 2009

How to Lose Lower Belly Fat

There are reasons why you and I continually fail with weight loss and diets. Any weight loss plan can if not implemented correctly lead to your metabolism slowing as your calorie intake is reduced. The key to successful weight loss can be found in the many muscles of your body. Weight loss plans and diets fail due to a plethora of reasons from hormone imbalances as a result of diets to muscle loss and plain dissatisfaction with the diet. In fact I continually find that after a few weeks of following a weight loss plan or the new 3 day diet fad I become increasingly frustrated up until the point where I convince myself that one day of binging will not hurt. This more often than not becomes a weekend then a week with the result that before long that 3 day diets a distant memory and I have put back on any weight that I had lost. Now the real reason diets fail is that as we reduce our calorie intake the human body has a natural mechanism to conserve energy in the form of fat. This comes from ancestral times when food was scarce and humans could go days without eating much food. Now when food is plentiful, especially in developed western societies, this mechanism does nothing but hinder our weight loss plans. So put your free online calorie counter to one side for a minute and look at what you need to do to make your weight loss dreams a reality.

If you rely on you free online calorie counter to much and your diet lasts many months eventually your body will start to break down muscle tissue and use this for fuel. As muscle needs calories to exist the resulting muscle loss as a result of your long term diet will mean you need to further reduce your calorific intake and your obsession with the free online calorie counter will continue.

So how do we ensure that our weight loss dreams start to be realized?

Firstly you must go into your weight loss plan with your eyes wide open. If you are like me and in excess of 305lbs this may be to set a target weight loss of 50 lbs. I would be a lot wealthier if I had a dollar for the number of times I have started a diet over the years with the unrealistic idea that in 12 months I will look like Brad Pitt. So set realistic goals and when you reach these goals, set another goal - small steps add up to a long journey.

The second point I would try to understand in your attempt to lose belly fat is to see the weight loss plan as a long term plan. Not a 3 day diet, a month diet or a 12 month diet but a rest of your life plan. Changing your lifestyle for the long term is the real key to losing belly fat. The third point I would say is the most important to your long term weight loss plan and all round healthier lifestyle. Increase your activity levels, walk to work, take the kids swimming; anything to increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise you undertake. If you have not been doing any exercise for many months' even years, pay for doctor a visit to ensure it is safe to do exercise then join a gym of walking club; whatever is your choice. If you start doing exercise that builds muscle like weight training as you muscles develop they will require more and more calories to survive and you will find that before long you will be burning more calories than you consume. If we do this for life we will lose belly fat and our weight loss dreams will soon become reality.


The Best Vaporizers

If you're searching for the perfect herbal vaporizer, this article will serve as an invaluable resource. Below you'll find descriptions of the top five vaporizers based on performance, convenience and functionality. Your path to obtaining the best vaporizer around is off on the right foot.

iInhale Portable Vaporizer

The iInhale portable vaporizer goes a long way toward dispelling the myth that portable vaporizers aren't as powerful / effective as stationary vaporizers. The iInhale is revolutionizing the portable vaporizer market by providing rich vapor delivery and excellent herb conservation. Able to fit in the palm of your hand, the iInhale weighs less than most cell phones and is powered by a small amount of butane gas with no risk to your health. Needing no cords or batteries, this is one of the most versatile vaporizers available. It doesn't get any more convenient than this. You can take the iInhale just about anywhere and experience up to 2 continuous hours of premium vaporization.

Easy Vape Digital Vaporizer

Old school meets new school with the Easy Vape digital vaporizer. The Easy Vape incorporates the classic box look with a cutting edge LCD screen for digital temperature read-outs and status messaging. What does that mean to you? It means that the Easy Vape offers a "hands free" vaporizer experience that informs you exactly when the vaporizer is ready for optimal use. Lightweight and durable, the Easy Vape is made with high quality polycarbonate components and the latest in ground glass technology. This is an excellent choice for those looking for a stylish vaporizer with outstanding performance.

Remote Controlled Extreme Vaporizer

This vaporizer has a remote control; it doesn't get much better than that. With the remote control you can adjust the temperature, adjust the fan speed for optimal inhalation rate, and power the vaporizer on and off (it also has an automatic power off function for added safety and convenience). The Extreme Vaporizer also doubles as an aroma therapy machine! Complete with balloon kits, tube mouthpieces, an aromatherapy bowl, cyclone bowls and more, the Extreme Vaporizer is in a class of its own. If you're looking for a multidimensional high end vaporizer, this is an outstanding choice for you.

Volcano Digital Vaporizer

The Volcano Digital Vaporizer is arguably the nicest vaporizer on the market. This advanced vaporizer offers the ultimate in high end performance and is considered by many to be the pinnacle of vaporizer science. The digital temperature display (in both Fahrenheit and Celsius) makes determining vapor readiness a breeze. Compatible with both an easy valve & solid valve system, the Volcano is viewed as one of the easiest vaporizers to use. The detachable Volcano balloon allows you to take your vapor anywhere. Able to hold multiple hits, the balloon can also store your vapor for up to 8 hours. The Volcano usually comes with a ton of handy components, including an herb grinder. A new Volcano also comes with a 2 year limited warranty which goes a long way toward feeling comfortable with your purchase. The Volcano is usually a bit more expensive than other vaporizers, but in all honesty, it's worth every penny.

I hope this article was helpful in making the right vaporizer purchase. Happy vaporization everyone!

If you're searching for the perfect herbal vaporizer, this article will serve as an invaluable resource. Below you'll find descriptions of the top five vaporizers based on performance, convenience and functionality. Your path to obtaining the best vaporizer around is off on the right foot.


Six Steps to a Healthier You - Fresh Air and Sunshine - Part 3

Our kids go to schools and attend classes where the windows are closed and the lightening is artificial. We keep the windows in our homes closed. We cover them with blinds and drapes and curtains. We stay inside and read or watch TV or surf the net. When we go camping, we stay in self-contained RV's, often with the windows closed. We seem to have gotten afraid of fresh air. If we get too cold, we might catch cold. We think we'd better stay inside just in case. How do we make some changes?

Getting back to basics is a good idea in so many areas of our lives, including getting more fresh air and sunshine.. Years ago our grandparents and their parents worked hard outside every day, rain or shine. After all, the cows had to be fed and milked, and the other animals care for, no matter the weather. Grandpa and Grandma got lots of fresh air and sunshine. I dare say that they didn't have too much time to get depressed or be stressed out about the evening news, or worry about what their neighbors were wearing or driving or where they were vacationing.

It is important that we remember how much better we'd feel if we got more fresh air and sunshine. Scientific studies have been done showing how natural sunlight improves our immune system. People who live in areas where there is a plenty of sunshine each day are less prone to depressions and nervous disorders. Scientists have also shown that the effect of natural sunshine directly on our skin helps the body produce Vitamin D, an essential nutrient for good health. If you're having trouble sleeping at night, fresh air, sunshine, physical exercise during the day might be just the answer.

I don't recommend going back to "the good ol' days," not entirely. But we can take a lesson from those who went before. You might not be planning to buy a cow, and unless you're already a farmer you probably won't start plowing fields any time soon. So what can we do? How can we get more fresh air, more natural sunlight, more benefits from these two?

Here are a few suggestions:

-plant and care for a garden

-get in the habit of going for a walk

-take your dog for a walk

-take your neighbor's dog for a walk

-open the windows in your home

-as much as possible, sleep with the window open at least enough to let in some fresh air

-exercise outdoors whenever you can

-walk to work

-go for an outdoor walk on your lunch break

I'm sure you can think of more. Make a conscious effort to increase the time you spend in the outdoors, in the natural, health-giving fresh air. Start a new habit. Think back on this past week. How much time did you spend outside? Did you get enough fresh air? Did you feel the sunshine on your skin? If not, start now to do better and be healthier. Set a goal to spend at least twenty minutes outside. Then when we get together for next week's healthy article on relaxation, you'll be well on your way. As always I wish you health, harmony, and happiness.


Missing Doctor Visits Increase HIV/AIDS Mortality Rates

When beginning any course of treatment for a chronic yet manageable disease such as HIV and AIDS it is important for one to follow their HIV specialists advice, maintain a regular schedule of appointments, and strictly adhere to the pharmaceutical treatment regimen. These three practices establish early on a life-time of disciplines that one will require to effectively manage living with the HIV/AIDS virus.

If ever there was doubt as to the importance of regular visits with one's HIV/AIDS health care practitioner, those doubts can now be put to bed. A study has recently surfaced which has identified a causal link between missed doctors' visits, and an increased mortality rate.

This analysis focused retrospectively within a group of HIV clinical patients who had established their initial outpatient treatment for HIV infection at the University of Alabama HIV/AIDS Clinic. All of the 543 study participants were evaluated between 2000 through to 2005. Patients who missed visits within the first year after initiating outpatient treatment were shown to have twice the rate of long-term mortality when compared with those patients who maintained regular visits, and attended all of their regularly scheduled appointments.

The results of the analysis showed that among those 543 HIV patients participating in the study, 60% of them missed a visit within the first year. The mortality rate in those patients who missed visits within the first year was 2.3 deaths per 100 person years. In contrast, the mortality rate for those who attended all scheduled visits and appointments with their HIV/AIDS practitioner was 1 death per 100 person years. Other factors such as age, overall health, and CD4 counts were all taken into account when comparing the risk factors and determining the overall mortality rate.

One thing is clear when reading the results of the study, and that is that mortality rates increase when skipping or missing regularly scheduled appointments. However, it is worthwhile to note the study's authors posit that the nearly doubling rate of mortality is not a direct consequence of missing those appointments, but rather, are identifiers of those HIV patients who are more likely to exhibit behaviors which can lead to increased mortality earlier in life.

This study has red-flagged behaviors that HIV/AIDS practitioners can watch for early on in the treatment of new patients. When beginning any course of treatment for HIV/AIDS, following the advice of your doctor/specialist is essential. By simply following the instructions provided and HIV/AIDS specialist, by strictly adhering to regularly scheduled appointments, and adhering to the pharmaceutical regimen as prescribed, one can effectively reduce their risk of premature mortality in half.

The original study was published in the Chicago Journals, Clinical Infectious Diseases by Dr. Michael J. Mugavero

If ever there was doubt as to the importance of regular visits with one's HIV/AIDS health care practitioner, those doubts can now be put to bed. A study has recently surfaced which has identified a causal link between missed doctors' visits, and an increased mortality rate.

Treating HIV and AIDS can be expensive. Which makes adhering to treatment guidelines challenging at times. If you are finding that you are spending too much of your money on medicine to treat and control HIV/AIDS, then come visit Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you choose the generic alternative which will help you save money, and allow you to live life for you, not to pay for your medicine!


Will Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own? - It Will If You Know How

 Hemorrhoids are caused by swollen blood vessels around the anus, they can bleed and be very painful. Sometimes they will even hang and protrude outside your back passage, this may make sitting unbearable at times and depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids will most probably need to see your doctor. As hemorrhoids can be very disturbing, many people will wonder will hemorrhoids go away on their own?

If you have hemorrhoids and they are not too severe, the chances are that your hemorrhoids are going their own way, but you might need to take or apply pain creams while they are still there. Those who choose to go to their doctors often ask their doctor if hemorrhoids go away on their own, and their doctor should be able to advise you on this after taking a look at the piles and decide the severity . In extreme cases surgery may be necessary, but this is quite rare and is the last option.

To encourage your hemorrhoids to go away, you should try to eat a diet that is full of fiber as that will help you go to the toilet without straining. In addition, you must also ensure that you drink plenty of water because it helps to empty the bowel by digesting the food through your system more efficiently, thereby reducing the strain during toilet visits.

Occasionally, you find that your hemorrhoids will return, but this is normal and you must once again up your fiber and fluid intakes. So the next time you have hemorrhoids don 't panic, you know they go away on their own as long as you do the proper diet and use of analgesics if the pain is too bad.


Wednesday 11 March 2009

Training Children with Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a kind of learning disability in which a child suffers from difficulty in reading and understanding a particular language. Dyslexia is a learning problem with reading and writing amongst children. It makes difficult for the children to remember and read also they get jumbled with words.

A child affected with dyslexia would have problems while copying notes from blackboard. A child would complain of not getting sufficient time to copy down all the notes from the blackboard. Children may become blank and not know which letter to write or even they would not be able to read the joined writing on the board.

If dialectic disabilities are not cured properly by the age of 12, those children may never obtain a right and positive sense of themselves. It can lead that they may completely fall out of school. Consequently, it is important that dyslectic disabilities are recognized at a very early childhood age and addressed to the doctor.

Arrange a special tutor (who deals with dyslexic children) for your child. Tutors come with knowledge of approaches to dyslexia, and they come with proven solutions. An example of this is the Orton-Gillingham approach. It's best to use a tutor outside of his school. This way, it'll just be your child and the tutor, one on one. See the Resources section for more information on this approach.

Some direct instructions that can be given to children include: scripted lesson plans, correcting mistakes immediately, achievement based grouping, rapid-paced interaction between students and teachers, frequent progress assessments, and highly structured and intensive instruction.

We all have to work hard and support children who have Dyslexia. Patience, love, care and concern can go a long way in making a dyslexic child lead a normal life!

Dyslexia is a kind of learning disability in which a child suffers from difficulty in reading and understanding a particular language. Dyslexia is a learning problem with reading and writing amongst children. It makes difficult for the children to remember and read also they get jumbled with words.


Two Kinds of Sweat!

Bet you did not know that there are two kinds of sweat.  The glands that produce the perspiration are called eccrine and the other is apocrine.  Eccrine glands are over most of your body and they open directly onto the surface of your skin.  You have between 2 and 5 million eccrine sweat glands.  Eccrine sweat glands secrete a mixture of water, salt, urea, and lactic acid onto the skin.   If you have a lot of eccrine glands you are more likely to sweat more than someone that has fewer.  They are concentrated in armpits, the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the forehead. As the sweat is hit by the air it evaporates and your skin is cooled. 

The other gland is the apocrine gland.  Its sweat is a heavier liquid that contains various organic substances, including pheromone hormones.  Apocrine glands develop in areas abundant in hair follicles, such as on your scalp, armpits and groin.  Apocrine glands secrete a fatty sweat directly into the tubule of the gland. When you're under emotional stress, the wall of the tubule contracts and the sweat is pushed to the surface of your skin where bacteria begin to break it down. They develop during puberty, and are thought to serve a biological function in sexual attraction. Apocrine glands take their name from the fact that these glands release the apical portion, or tip, of the secreting cell into the liquid along with the other substances.

When we sweat it has no odor, especially that of the eccrine glands.  It does however create an environment that allows bacteria that is normally on our skin to grow.  Now the apocrine glands secreting their thicker substance seem to attract the bacteria and then they multiply, thus a strong odor is usually sensed. 

Some people just seem to sweat more freely than others, this is known as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), but there are some known causes or factors that can make you sweat more heavily. These include:

1-Some foods and drink- Eating spicy food makes some people sweat, or drinking hot drinks or drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol can make you sweat.

2-Some drugs-drugs of the antipsychotic class that are used to treat mental disorders, morphine, ASA, Tylenol all seem to increase the sweating response.

3-Inherit it-It seems people that sweat on the palms and soles of their feet might have inherited it.

4-Menopause-A period when women's estrogen drops and they have what it called a hot flash-rise in core temp, sweating and extreme heat awareness.  Some menopausal women may also be awakened at night by soaking sweats followed by chills.

5-Men may have low hormone levels-This too causes hot flashes

6-Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar-Early signs and symptoms include sweating, shakiness, weakness, hunger, dizziness and nausea.

7-Fever-Natures way to fight off infection. You get a bacterial or viral infection and you get a fever.  You body goes hot at first, it is when the fever stops and your temperature lowers that you sweat; it is called "breaking the fever"   

8-Hyperthyroidism is having too much thyroxin hormone.  One of the signs is increased sensitivity to heat. It may also cause you to perspire much more than normal.

9-Heart attack-One of the signs is intense sweating.

10-TB or Tuberculosis- Among its signs and symptoms are fever and night sweats.

11-Malaria-you begin to sweat profusely. The cycle may recur every 48 to 72 hours.

 12-Some cancers like Leukemia and lymphoma can produce unusual sweating patterns.

As you can see there are two kinds of sweat and knowing the differences may help you discover why you are sweating so much and what you can do. The many causes of why someone might sweat more or suddenly sweat should also be kept in the back of your mind if needed.  It never hurts to stay aware of your body.  Knowledge is what keeps us healthy in life.


Tuesday 10 March 2009

Is CigArrest the best Quit Smoking System?

Millions of people struggle with trying to stop smoking. Smoking cigarettes is a dreadful habit that ensnares people every day in all corners of the world. Most people understand that smoking and is not only a dangerous, but a deadly habit. People who smoke have higher incidences of cancer and other smoking related illnesses. However, it can still be very difficult to quit because of a smokers cravings for nicotine.

If a person does not take action and get control of their addiction to cigarettes and nicotine it can eventually cost them their lives. A great number of people realize this and subsequently try their hardest to quit smoking but it can be very hard.

There are a number of ways that people can attempt to stop smoking. They may use patches, chew anti-smoking gum, self study, prescription drugs and/or hypnosis. All of these methods can be quite effective. However, what works will depend on the individual person. Very few things work for everyone and it is important to keep this in mind and not get frustrated. It may take more then one try before an individual is finally able to figure what they need to do in order to kick this harmful habit. One product on the market is called Cigarrest. It is a pretty popular product and many people are using it in an effort to stop smoking.

This is a pretty comprehensive program. You can order it online and it will be delivered to your door. Included in this program are chewable tablets. These are for 30 days and are designed to help individual not want to smoke. The tablets are very easy to ingest and include the Cigarrest formula, which is all natural. Also included, is a supply of Cigarrest gum that lasts for 30 days. This is also designed to curb one's craving for cigarettes. The gum also gives people something to do with their mouths instead of smoking. There is also included a 30 day supply of vitamins. These are called Vitaguards smoking vitamins and are to be taken to help with cell damage that occurs when people smoke. They also help to build up the immune system.

Included in the system is a guide that details the Cigarrest program. You will be able to learn about it much more in depth and will find information to help you stop smoking. Lastly, there are audio CDs. CD's is great for individuals who don't necessarily enjoy reading and would prefer to listen to the program. They can play it in their car or on the computer while they are browsing the internet.

CigArrest is one option for individuals looking to stop smoking. It is a very comprehensive program and attempts to help individuals fight the urge to smoke on several different fronts. They will get written (or audio) information, will also receive gum, tablets and vitamins.

Do you want to quit smoking but you can't? Have you tried every quit smoking method but you failed? Read about the comprehensive Quit Smoking System names "CigArrest" and why it is considered as the most popular and effective.


Yellow Toenails? No Problem - Steps to an Effective Toenail Fungus Cure

So why are you still putting up with your yellow toenails cause a toenail fungus. Is it because you're embarrassed, don't know what to do, busy or have you just not gotten around to it yet. Maybe this isn't the case at all maybe you have tried other home remedies for toe nail infections already in just had no success. Whenever the case may be there are steps that you can take to find an effective toenail fungus cure.

Getting rid of those yellow toenails, discolored toenails, black toenails, thick toenails or nail ridges can be a frustrating in strenuous process. However with the right combination of treatments we can get you fungus free before summer. The first thing you must understand is that water is now you're enemy. A favorite hiding place for fungus is in moist dark places, sound familiar? The reason that your toenail fungus developed initially is most likely due to your favorite pair of running shoes. Close toed shoes mixed with a little foot sweat make for a perfect breeding ground for nail fungus. So the first thing that we want to do in our quest for a toenail fungus cure is kicked off our shoes. Spend as much time as possible in your bare feet, allowing your nails to breathe will be an important part of your treatment. We can't get your yellow nails to go away without depriving the fungus of moisture.

Keep in mind that fungus can show itself in many different ways:

-Thick toenails
-Yellow toenails
-Black toenails
-Crumbling toenails
-Discolored toenails
-Split toenails

Can all be signs of a toenail fungus infection.


How can you increase your professionalism by wearing a customized scrub jacket?

Scrubs became very popular and these days, daycare workers, barbers and even some school workers use them too

When you are looking for medical scrub jackets, custom-made scrub jackets are the best. Customized scrub coat offers both individuality and professionalism. One thing that is tough in the medical facility is to stay unique. Generally, you will find nametags are assigned in the medical facility to help patients identify them easily, but customized scrub jackets also portray your level of individuality and professionalism. There are other functional reasons to go in for customized scrub coat apart from these. Are customized scrub jackets necessary for your medical career? Sorry, you must continue with this article to find the important uses of scrub jackets in the medical facility.

1. medical professional may have his or her own medical staffs which makes up a clinic. One way to seperate your staff is to customize or "brand" your scrub jackets.

2. customizing your scrub coats can save money and be fashonable. Instead of changing the entire scrub sets, you can change scrub jackets. Customized scrub jackets can be used to suit special occasions or holidays

3. Wearing a jacket can keep you warm when the temperature gets low.

4. Normally, hospitals follow only green or blue dress code. This gets very monotonous. Customized scrub jackets are the only rescue to feel good and different.

5. Generally medical professionals visit different clinics or hospitals. Doctor will, Sometimes just use hospital to perform a surgery. Some times you can avoid the extra expenses of changing department by Just changing Scrub Jackets.

6. Customized scrub jackets can also differentiate different types of professionals in the medical facility like physicians, nurses, assistants, and clerical staffs. This can help the patients identify and approach the correct professional.

7. You can also have your name embossed in the customized scrub coats instead of embossing in each scrub tops.

Irrespective of the needs, customized scrub jackets offer more functionality and versatility in your workplace. Buying customized scrub jackets also saves money. With a single customized scrub jacket, you can maintain your professionalism and individuality apart from being fashionable and attractive. I am sure you can't ask for more when all these benefits are accompanied by affordable costs.

Medical facility started the trend of scrubs from the year 1940. Initially, surgeons and nurses in the operating rooms used medical scrubs. Later on hospital workers, veterinarians, dental professionals also started using medical scrubs

Anthony Gove and His wife Ahlena have almost 15 yrs experience with medical scrubs. Anthony is also a disabled Vet with over 14 years in the military before being medical retired. Written By Anthony Gove owner of it is okay to copy this in whole with hypertext left linking to


How to Stop Sweating

If you suffer from excessive sweating then your number one priority is to stop this embarrassing condition. I've suffered from it too and I have found numerous ways to stop sweat, I can name methods that are free and painless and I can name methods that cost thousands of dollars and are very painful. If you are like me, then you like free and painless, so for that I will be giving you my top three tips to stopping sweat!

The first and most important step is to take preventive measures. The best way to stop excessive sweating is to stop it from even happening. There are a few things you can do that are preventive that you can knock out in a few minutes. In the morning before getting dressed and going out to work/school, check the weather and see if you really need that extra layer of clothing or if you need that jacket.

The second thing you should do is to watch what you eat and this is for two reasons. The first reason is, the more overweight you are, the harder your heart has the work, the more often you'll sweat by doing small tasks. The second reason is certain foods can set "alarm" your body to start sweating. For example, spicy food is a big culprit of this. Also, if you have a mild allergy to a particular food it can cause you to sweat as well. So keep in mind what you've eaten throughout the day and take note if it's making you sweat more (or less)!

The third thing you should do if you want to stop sweating is to take particular care in picking out your clothes. In the summer and spring times you should be wearing lighter weight materials like cotton. In the winter and fall you should try wearing wool. Also as a quick tip, try to avoid synthetic materials as they do not absorb moisture well.

There you have it, my top 3 tips to stopping sweat in its tracks. Keep in mind that these are only three quick and easy fixes and some things might not work for you. Don't let that get you down though, because I have compiled an entire database of free sweating tips that will help you get rid of your sweating problem naturally - no matter what the problem is!


Explosive Muscle Growth Isn't a Pipe Dream

Sure, it may sound like winning the lottery, but it's not. In fact, its good training techniques, but most people have no idea how to do it. Here's what most people DO

They know they need a training system. They know they need to follow the right diet. And they know they're supposed to include supplements. But what they don't
know is how much or how often.

Most people think the magic is in a pill. A good supplement can help, but the magic isn't there. It's in the training system and diet. The unique secret-weapon exercise's that build a rock-hard core and stimulate fat loss like no other exercises in existence.

And I've a found a shockingly simple, practical course called Ultimate Training System that can show you how to gain weight fast, get ripped and completely jacked.
Simon Cohen created the Ultimate Training System. He's one of the top Body Builders in the world...and he's going to show you how he did it, down to the
last detail.

The kicker is that almost NOBODY in normal gyms knows about these unique exercises or his special fat melting workouts that actually help you build muscle while getting shredded to the bone and saving time.

Stop thinking it's too good to be true. Get Simon's system and see that living the dream is a lot closer than you think:

37 Year Old, Mr Universe, proves you can gain 12 pounds of lean muscle and carve out a ripped six pack in just 6 weeks

For more details on Mr Universe's muscle growth, weight loss and six pack ab's information check out


Fish Oil & Respiratory Infections In Children

The available research evidence suggests that a diet rich in coldwater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. There is also additional research suggesting that oil from coldwater fish might also improve immune system function, particularly in young children. A newly published study in the Journal of Pediatrics now suggests that fish oil supplements may actually reduce the risk of common acute illnesses in school children.

In this study, nearly 200 schoolchildren between the ages of 9 and 12 years were randomized to receive either a placebo (sugar) pill or a fish oil supplement pill 5 days per week. The children were all monitored for 6 months, and logs were kept of all illnesses that occurred in these kids.

At the end of the study, the researchers determined that the kids who were randomized to receive the fish oil supplements had a significantly lower incidence of acute childhood illnesses, and respiratory infections in particular, when compared to the children who had been randomized to receive placebo pills instead. Respiratory infections, when they occurred, also appeared to resolve more quickly in the group of children who had received fish oil supplements, when compared to the kids in the placebo group.

The researchers also measured the levels of several different immune-system-related substances in the blood of these patient volunteers, including TGF-beta protein, a substance which is known to impair the function of immune system cells. Among the children in the fish oil supplement group, TGF-beta levels in the blood were actually significantly lower than was observed among the children in the placebo group. The researchers, therefore, concluded that fish oil supplements appeared to decrease both the frequency and duration of acute illnesses in schoolchildren, and respiratory illnesses in particular. Immune-suppressing TGF-beta blood levels were also lower among the children who were randomized to receive fish oil supplements.

Before considering fish oil supplements for your child, please make sure to consult with your pediatrician first. Large doses of fish oil can expose children to potentially toxic doses of heavy metals and pesticides, and can also excessively thin the blood.


How to treat stubborn acne

There are many people who suffer daily from severe acne problems. Our goal is to provide updated and exact information to people about various types of skin problems and acne treatment procedures.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives (COCs) can be used for the treatment of facial acne compared to placebo or other active therapies. Sometimes, oral acne treatments or oral contraceptives have been known to work as well. The most common oral contraceptives used as acne treatment solutions are the combination of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen).
This is also an effective treatment for women experiencing hormonally-influenced acne. It is a low-dose estrogen oral contraceptive that has cyproterone acetate.

Skin care

Bio-Skin Clear Oil-free moisturizing gel for acne treatment, rosacea skin care and facial acne scars. Below you will find acne free skin care information and acne treatment that may prove beneficial in your quest for a great complexion. Before you think about treating acne with an acne medicine or an acne solution, one should know the basics of sensitive skin care treatment. Always remember to try and clear your pores with natural acne treatment skin care products first.

Benzoyl peroxide

Treating Acne The medicines used for treatment of acne include benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, retinoid creams and combinations of these products. Benzoyl peroxide has been an effective acne treatment and does helps kill skin bacteria, clear up the oil ducts and heal acne pimples. These non-prescription acne treatments often contain benzoyl peroxide as an antibacterial cleansing agent.

Severe nodular

Most cases of acne can be cleared, including cystic or severe nodular acne, though they require the treatment of a dermatologist. Other treatments for severe nodular and cystic acne include intralesional corticosteroid therapy. Accutane is a medicine prescribed for the treatment of severe nodular acne.

Accutane Treatment

For acne that doesn't respond to standard treatments, a doctor may recommend an oral drug called Accutane. If your acne doesn't respond to these treatments, you may want to see a doctor or dermatologist to get a stronger prescription lotion. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a powerful medication available for scarring cystic acne or acne that doesn't respond to other treatments.

Oral antibiotics

Additionally, the cost and duration of acne treatment with topical medications and oral antibiotics make standard therapy far from ideal. It is the treatment of choice for severe acne with cysts and nodules, and is used with or without topical or oral antibiotics. Inflammatory acne often requires treatment with oral antibiotics.

Find out the four most popular ways to treat stubborn acne.


How to Stop Sweaty Hands Permanently!

Tired of wiping your hands and carrying hand towels all the time? Do you want to get rid of your sweaty hands once and for all?

How to stop sweaty hands with these medical treatments:

• Medications taken orally. These medicines have a substance called anticholinergics that control the sweating.

• Iontophoresis is a treatment that involves applying low doses of electrical currents applied directly to the skin while the hands are submerged in water.

• Botox injection done to stop the chemical transmitter that causes sweating in armpits is also applied on sweaty hands.

• The last resort on how to stop sweaty hands completely is through sympathectomy. Sympathectomy is a surgical procedure to control excessive sweating of the hands and can be classified as:

1. TST or Thoracoscopic is a medical procedure executed by a thoracic surgeon. It cuts back the nerve to control the sweat produced by the hands but will not affect the sweating in other parts of your body.

2. CST or Cervical is a procedure where the nerve that controls the sweating located just below the armpit is electrocuted. This surgical procedure uses a laparoscopic camera infixed into the chest in between the two ribs and placed below the armpit. This is an out patient procedure that requires general anesthesia which lasts for about 20 minutes on an average if done only in one arm but requires an overnight confinement if done on both arms.

Before having these treatments, it is best to consult with your doctor and ask about other alternatives on how to stop sweaty hands permanently before resorting to surgery.


World Mecca Of Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery has been growing worldwide. However, Beverly Hills undoubtedly is the most frequently mentioned place when in comes to cosmetic surgery. Recent television shows have popularized such procedures as nose surgery, breast enlargement, tummy tuck and others. Beverly Hills now has the highest concentration of plastic surgeons. Perhaps in the past primarily rich people and movie stars turned to Beverly Hills for plastic surgery. Today studies show that most patients are middle class people.

Beverly Hills attracts not only Americans but also people from all over the world. Many Europeans find it less expensive to have plastic surgery in America as value of dollar has declined. Cosmetic surgery and a vacation in the United States has become a popular combination for many Europeans. Typically, a patient will contact a plastic surgeon via email for an internet and/or telephone consultation. The surgeon will review the photographs to formulate a preliminary plan prior to meeting the person in the office. The surgeon's office will have hotel and aftercare arrangement for patients traveling from abroad. It becomes important for foreign patients to spend enough time here to have sufficient postoperative follow-up. This can range from 5 days for 4 weeks and will be determined by the surgeon. The patient will be educated about signs and symptoms of possible complications prior to departure and what to do should those occur. If patients cannot return to the United States for postoperative visits, online follow-up can be performed.

One may wonder how do patients select plastic surgeons ? Television of course popularizes many plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills. Some patients are referred by their friends who came to the US for surgery whereas others perform internet searches using for procedures such as breast augmentation or rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills. Patients will typically interview with several surgeons and review their work as they decide which surgeon they would feel most comfortable with.

Plastic surgery trends discussed.

Vladimir Grigoryants, MD


You Can Overcome Excessive Sweating With These Easy Steps!

Stop sweating the small stuff and get rid of excessive sweating now. Though sweating is a natural process of the body, some people tend to sweat more excessively than others. This condition is called hyperhidrosis. Anyone who suffers from this condition knows how hassling it can be. In this article, you will find natural remedies that you can use to treat hyperhidrosis quickly.

One of the most well known remedies that help in getting rid of odor is tomatoes. It is said that if you drink one cup of tomato juice daily for a week, you can lower the intensity of body odor, which is a result of excessive sweating. Before trying this method, make sure that you are not allergic to tomatoes, as this can result in swelling, itching, or shortness of breath.

Another well known remedy for body odor as a result of excessive sweating is baking soda. This has been studied and observed to be helpful especially in excessive foot sweating. Just pour two tablespoons of baking soda into your shoes and leave it there overnight. Baking soda can also be used on the armpits. When combined with some lemon juice, it can also work as an anti-bacterial remedy. Another natural remedy for getting rid of armpit odor caused by hyperhidrosis is by using cider apple vinegar or freshly cut potatoes.

Sage is also a popular remedy for excessive sweating. Sage can be used by drinking it as tea, infusing it with some alcohol, or using it with a hot compress and placing it on the problem areas.


A stubborm tummy pouch

Exercise and diet are the healthiest methods of staying in shape. However, there are many men and women who are bothered by the persistent tummy pooch despite diet and exercise. A number of women complain that after pregnancy they developed an abdominal bulge that would not go away no matter how much they diet or exercise. What causes this stubborn tummy pooch? Three basic changes may be observed in people with abdominal bulges:

- Stretched Skin

- Excess Fat

- Weakened Abdominal Wall

Stretched skin occurs in people who gained or lost weight or more commonly following pregnancy. Today there is no effective way to tighten the sagging abdominal skin other than having it surgically removed. This procedure is known as a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. The incision for a tummy tuck is placed low so that the scar can be hidden behind underwear. Fat accumulation in the abdominal area can also be resistant to diet and exercise. In such cases, unwanted fat can be removed with liposuction or a tummy tuck. The abdominal wall consists of abdominal muscles and a membrane between these muscles called a fascia.

With age or following pregnancy the fascia stretches causing the abdomen to bulge. Abdominal exercises frequently fail to tighten the stretched fascia. This fascia can be effectively tightened using sutures during a tummy tuck to improve the contour of the abdomen. Most people go home the same day after a tummy tuck and return to work in about 10-14 days. The new shape of the abdomen is evident immediately after the procedure and continues to improve over the next several months.

A tummy tuck procedure to reshape the abdomen discussed.

Vladimir Grigoryants, MD


Healing With Sound

When one lives in a state of wellness, the clear energetic vibrations which defines a person resonates with the universal energy. Sound healing is a vibrational energy which has the potential to heal us by treating imbalances and blockages in the body by creating an internal shift that restores perfect harmony. Sound allows your consciousness to commune with the divine and awaken the latent physical energy so that it can return to a harmonic precision state.

In a reading, Edgar Cayce stated, "Sound will be the medicine of the future." Why "the future?" When Cayce said that, electronics were primitive. The accurate capture, reproduction, and distribution of sound was a long way off. Creation of sound was limited to acoustic sources only. A true "medicine of the future" would be one which would bring a person back into a state of harmony (balance) by affecting the cause of the dis-harmony (that being the state of consciousness of the mind). In order to affect that change in the mind, one needs to speak concisely in the language of consciousness. At this point in our (d)evolution, though, no one has been identified, who is capable of conveying pure thought/intention to another mind, so we need a third-dimensional carrier wave to do the job, and it's called sound! Today, we have available the means to produce any sound necessary to convey the consciousness, capture that sound, distribute it, and reproduce it. All you need to do is listen.

There are many collections of healing sounds. The soothing meditations of Deepak Chopra and trance-inducing melodies of Adam Plack come together in The Soul of Healing Meditation, which focuses on energy alignment through negativity's release. Composer Kamal can be heard on a CD, Reiki Whale Song, in which the mysteriously beautiful songs sung by humpback whales are supplemented by Kamal's unobtrusive tunes.


Your unique vibrational energy will guide you toward those healing sounds capable of opening your mind to the beauty of your own personal symphony of wellbeing.
