sexuality health

Saturday 7 March 2009

How to Grow Taller When You're Lazy

If you have always wanted to grow taller you could try some effective ways to increase your height. Apart from undergoing expensive surgery to lengthen your leg bones, you could attempt some less costly ways to grow taller.

Do 'grow taller' exercises work?

Exercise has always been touted as one of the most effective ways of growing taller. You could strap your ankles to high bars and hang upside down for a maximum of twenty minutes at a time to straighten your back. You could do press ups and sit ups to beef up your abdominal muscles which in turn will straighten your back. With a straighter back you will hold your head high and walk taller. This will make you look taller as well.

What should I eat?

Your dietary habits should also be improved if you want to grow taller. Throw out all the junk food and stick to balanced meals that have plenty of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Meat, eggs and fish as well as fruits and vegetables will provide you with much of the nutrients that your body needs to be healthy. Calcium and Vitamin D aid in bone growth and can also be taken as vitamin supplements. Being careful with your meals would ensure that you are leaner and fit as your body burns excess fat through higher metabolism and exercise. As your body muscles are toned, you will similarly grow taller naturally.

I'm lazy, can I still grow taller?

Ensure that you obtain sufficient sleep everyday to assist your body to secret enough human growth hormone. Dietary supplements further assist the body in producing the growth hormone that will naturally extend your bones and make you grow taller.



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